Loads of different events are being planned across the planet and the aim of this blog post is to help people find out about them. Please use the comments box below to share any information you have about any events you may be involved in.
To start the ball rolling my son’s school is have a crazy socks day to raise money for the National Autistic Society. Each child in the school has been invited to wear the most outlandish pair of socks they own to school for the day. The school has both neurotypical and ASD students so it is a great way of helping other children understand autism, For some background to the school please have a look at https://patienttalk.org/autism-and-education-part-two-compromise-or-half-way-house-our-autistic-sons-educational-journey-explained/.
We have also made an awareness raising picture for the day. You can download it here https://patienttalk.org/world-autism-awareness-day-2014-please-like-and-show-your-support-for-the-day/. Please share with everyone you know.
Many thanks in advance.