How do deal with your Aspergers Teenager going through Puberty

How do deal with your Aspergers Teenager going through Puberty

How do deal with your Aspergers Teenager going through Puberty

How do deal with your Aspergers Teenager going through Puberty

My wife and I are about to start of the next part of our autism journey – the next year or so our son on the spectrum will enter puberty.

So we have been scouring the world for information.

We found this video useful so we thought we would share!

Coping with autism and puberty

Coping with autism and puberty

Coping with autism and puberty

Coping with autism and puberty.

This is a big one for my wife and I. It is going to hit us in the next couple of years.

So fore-warned is fore-armed as they say!

Do you have any tips for dealing with autism and puberty? Please do send them to and we will post them here!

Thanks in advance