International Ataxia Awareness Day. Find out about the symptoms of Ataxia. Please share our Ataxia Awareness graphic!

Today is International Ataxia Awareness Day. It takes place annually on 25th September.

Ataxia is used to describe a number of neurological disorders which impact upon  co-ordination, balance and speech.  It is for example a very common symptom on Multiple Sclerosis.

It can be result from damage to a part of the brain called the cerebellum as well as other parts of the nervous system.

The symptoms of ataxia include:

  • Problems with walking.
  • Balancing difficulties.
  • Difficulty in speaking.
  • Harder to see properly.
  • It can be hard to swallow. Also called Dysphagia.

To find out more about International Ataxia Awareness Day please check out  the International Ataxia Awareness Day page at

We have produced an International Ataxia Awareness Day graphic below.  It would be great if you could share this today to help us raise awareness of Ataxia.

International Ataxia Awareness Day

International Ataxia Awareness Day