Top 14 Apps for Autism

Apps for Autism

Apps for Autism

In the past few years, there has been an explosion in the number of mobile apps for kids with autism. Numerous studies have shown the iPad’s impact as a supplement to specialized therapy when it comes to learning and communication for kids with autism.

Still, there is no silver bullet solution when it comes to apps, and each child will benefit from different apps for different reasons. “The key to finding the best app is not to search in the App Store for the disorder, but by the skill you are trying to address,” says Mark Mautone, President at Integrated Technology for Persons with Autism and Development Disabilities (ITPADD). Mautone offers the following criteria for what parents should look for when making their selections:

– Developer’s knowledge in the area in which the app was designed
– App ratings
– Ease-of-use
– Functionality

Top 10 Autism Friendly Sensory Apps

Top 10 Autism Friendly Sensory Apps

Top 10 Autism Friendly Sensory Apps

Top 10 Autism Friendly Sensory Apps

We have covered a few of these before, here and here, but can you suggest any other apps we should cover. Of so why not send us some information at


Some great apps for children on the autism spectrum and other special needs

As readers know I’m a sucker for social media and digital technology.

Here are a few apps to helps children, teachers and parents with special needs education.

Do you know of any others?

Why not tell us more in the comments box below?

Thanks in advance!

5 Amazing Apps for Special Students

From Visually.

Is there an App for that Part One? Multiple Sclerosis and Smartphone Apps ( and not forgetting tablets). Which ones do you use?

Apps for Multiple Sclerosis

Apps for Multiple Sclerosis

Yes I know I keep on going on about how social media will change healthcare beyond all recognition. Indeed the reason you are reading this blog post is almost certainly because you have seen a link on some kind of social media.

But how does this fit into the day to day of actually having and managing a chronic medical condition. In fact I was challenged yesterday on this very subject online.

The correspondent said that they had yet to find an app for the multiple sclerosis community which was really useful. Which got me thinking. A quick blast on my iPhone got me links to more or less marketing puff. Not that i object to marketing puff but you know what I mean.

So I thought I would find out from my readers what Apps they uses to help treat or manage their multiple sclerosis.

I would be great if you could share your experiences in the comments box below. It would be great if you could think about some of the following questions:-

1) What is the name of the App you use? Do you have a link to more information?
2) What does the App set out to do?
3) How does it specifically help your multiple sclerosis?
4) Can you give it a mark out of 10 where 10 is brilliant and 0 is well you know?
5) If you can add anything you think will be of interest to our readers that would be superb.

Finally if you have written an App for MS or have one you think would be of use to a person with Multiple Sclerosis you are very welcome to add some information below. but please do state that you are a manufacturer just so we know.

Thanks very much in advance.