Strengthen Your Inner Thigh Muscles To Move Better – Multiple Sclerosis Exercise

The muscles around your hips MUST be balanced to sit, stand, walk, and exercise with balance, strength, and coordination. I typically see weak outer hip muscles and tight inner hip muscles in most gymmers. It’s a bit counterintuitive, but tight adductors that lead to knees caving inward can be “loosened” by strengthening them (weird, I know). Tight adductors happen because your brain senses instabilities in your hips. To stabilize your hips, it then “locks down” your adductors to create a more stable joint. When you practice moving your tight adductors in and out of contraction, your brain learns to use those muscles again. This exercise isolates your adductors and can help reduce MS symptoms like knee kissing, hyperextension, and scissor gait.