Dartmouth study offers new insights into genetic mutations in autism.

Findings from a new study published in Cell Reports, involving a collaborative effort between researchers at the Luikart Laboratory at Dartmouth’s Geisel School of Medicine and the Weston Laboratory at the University of Vermont, provide further insight into the neurobiological basis of autism and point to possible treatments. In recent years, researchers have established a strong association between certain mutated genes…Read more Dartmouth study offers new insights into genetic mutations in autism.

A new study shows patient preference for medical cannabis products in the absence of clinical guidelines

Due to a lack of publicly available data, understanding what products medical cannabis patients use for various conditions has mostly come from survey responses. In a new study, USC Schaeffer Center researchers established a clearer picture by analyzing point-of-sale data from nearly 17,000 patients who made more than 80,000 purchases as part of the New…Read more A new study shows patient preference for medical cannabis products in the absence of clinical guidelines

Building a Better Painkiller

On a quest to develop more effective pain medicines, scientists are studying how CBD inhibits pain-sensing neurons Image: ArtistGNDphotography/iStock/Getty Images E+ Collection On a quest to develop more effective painkillers, scientists are studying how cannabidiol, or CBD, inhibits pain-sensing neurons Recent research suggests that CBD tamps down the activity of pain-sensing neurons by simultaneously blocking…Read more Building a Better Painkiller

Broad-spectrum of autism depends on the spectrum of genetic factors

Jonathan Sebat, PhD, is a professor and chief of the Beyster Center for Molecular Genomics of Neuropsychiatric Diseases at UC San Diego School of Medicine. UC San Diego Health Sciences Autism is referred to as a “spectrum” because clinical features of autism range from mild social impairments in some people to severe intellectual disability or…Read more Broad-spectrum of autism depends on the spectrum of genetic factors