Getting you moving again: A possible new treatment for joint issues

Treatment of osteoarthritis by miRNA introduction

Treatment of osteoarthritis by miRNA introduction Department of Systems BioMedicine , TMDU

Osteoarthritis (OA) is a debilitating joint disease that affects millions of individuals worldwide. Common in the older adult population, OA is associated with loss of cartilage over time. Because joint replacement and treatment of symptoms are the only current options, efforts have been made to identify mechanisms governing OA to find new therapeutic methods. In a recent study published in Nature Communications, a team led by researchers at Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU) identified a small regulatory RNA molecule known as a microRNA (miRNA or miR) that participates in the balance between cartilage production and degeneration. They examined the miR-455 parent molecule that is an unusual one in that it creates two different strands of functional miRNA, 5p and 3p. 

Individual miRNAs target a repertoire of genes that contain their specific binding sequence in the gene message. Because of this, they can regulate numerous genes simultaneously. When binding to a gene message, the miRNA can block it from being converted into protein or cause the message to be degraded entirely. A previous study has shown that deleting the miR-455-3p strand in mice causes degeneration of the mouse knee cartilage but the details, and the effect of the 5p strand, remained unclear.

“miR-455 clearly plays a significant role in cartilage regulation, but we do not fully understand the mechanism controlling it,” says lead author of the study Yoshiaki Ito. “Our interest in the topic was aroused by this lack of information and reinforced by the exceptionality of miR-455 in generating two distinct strands of miRNA that both have biological effects.”

The researchers examined miR-455 levels in human cartilage samples and found that individuals with OA had significantly lower amounts of this miRNA. They then generated miR-455 knockout mice and confirmed OA-like cartilage degeneration in the knee joints once the mice were six months old.  

“We became interested in which specific genes were overexpressed in these mice because of the absence of miR-455-mediated regulation,” states Hiroshi Asahara, senior author. “We performed a detailed genetic screening and found that the gene message for a protein called hypoxia-inducible factor-2α (HIF-2α) was amongst the targets of miR-455.”

HIF-2α is a protein that is involved in the breakdown of cartilage. Therefore, the team injected synthetic versions of miR-455-3p and 5p into OA-model mice knee joints and identified inhibited degeneration of the cartilage. HIF-2α expression also significantly decreased following miR-455 treatment. 

“Our findings not only help us better understand the biology of cartilage regulation and OA pathogenesis, but also show that miR-455 has the potential to be developed into a novel therapeutic method for treating OA,” explains Ito.

Considerable research is ongoing to utilize miRNAs as targeted therapies for a wide variety of diseases. This study provides strong support for using both strands of miR-455 in such a manner for OA.

Sibling’s likelihood of autism diagnosis impacted by age gap, study finds

Mothers of children with autism who delayed their subsequent pregnancy by 2.5 to three years reduced the likelihood of their next child also being diagnosed on the spectrum, new research shows.

The Curtin University research in collaboration with the Telethon Kids Institute, published in Autism Research, investigated more than 925,000 births in Denmark, Finland and Sweden including more than 9,300 that resulted in a child later being diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder.

Lead author Professor Gavin Pereira, from Curtin’s School of Population Health, said the research found a significant – and surprising – link between the time between pregnancies and a sibling’s chances of also being diagnosed with autism.

“Our research found that the siblings of children with autism were less likely to be diagnosed on the spectrum if there was a 30 to 39-month gap between both pregnancies,” Professor Pereira said.

“Waiting 2.5 to three years to conceive another child was considered the optimum timeframe, potentially preventing five per cent of cases of autism in Denmark, eight per cent in Finland and nine per cent in Sweden, on average.

“Across the general population, this study also showed that children born to mothers who became pregnant again three months after giving birth had a 50 per cent higher chance of being diagnosed with autism, and those born five years later had a 24 per cent greater chance.” 

Professor Pereira said he was surprised to find his research identified an environmental link to autism in addition to documented genetic and biological factors.

“The results of this large-scale, multi-country research may help to inform family planning counselling, particularly for those families that are already at a higher risk because of a genetic history of neurological disease,” Professor Pereira said.

Co-author Associate Professor Helen Leonard, from the Telethon Kids Institute, said the findings were most relevant to families where there was an increased risk of autism.

“However, couples seeking advice on pregnancy spacing should always consult with their medical provider for advice on their individual circumstances,” Associate Professor Leonard said.

“This work was initially spearheaded by researchers at Telethon Kids and is continuing to contribute to our understanding of this challenging condition.”

The high-income countries studied provided universal healthcare and paid parental leave after childbirth, including a maximum of 46 weeks in Denmark, 47 weeks in Finland and 92 weeks in Sweden.

Brain organoids mimic head size changes associated with type of autism

Stem cell models derived from people with specific genomic variation recapitulate aspects of their autism spectrum disorder, providing a valuable model to study the condition and look for therapeutic interventions

Macro vs. Microcephaly, University of California San Diego

Variations in the 16p11.2 region of the genome are associated with autism spectrum disorder and changes in head size. Brain organoids grown in the lab with a 16p11.2 deletion demonstrate macrocephaly (larger size, left), while 16p11.2 duplication demonstrates microcephaly (smaller size, right). CREDIT UC San Diego Health Sciences

Variations in the 16p11.2 region of the genome are associated with autism spectrum disorder. While people with genetic deletions in this region have larger heads (macrocephaly) and people with genetic duplications have smaller heads (microcephaly), both variation types affect brain development and function.

To study the effects of these variations and search for ways to minimize their impact, University of California San Diego School of Medicine researchers are using brain organoids — tiny, 3D cellular models generated in the lab from people with 16p11.2 variations.

The organoids, described in a paper publishing August 25, 2021 in Molecular Psychiatry, mimicked the differences in brain size seen in people. They also revealed new information about the molecular mechanisms that malfunction when the 16p11.2 region of the genome is disrupted, providing new  opportunities for potential therapeutic intervention.

“Because our organoids recapitulate the head size of the patients, that tells us this can be a useful model,” said senior author Lilia Iakoucheva, PhD, associate professor of psychiatry at UC San Diego School of Medicine. “And we need better models to study autism spectrum disorder, especially during fetal development.” 

Iakoucheva led the study with Alysson Muotri, PhD, professor of pediatrics and cellular and molecular medicine at UC San Diego School of Medicine.

The brain organoids were created using induced pluripotent stem cells derived from people who have 16p11.2 genomic variations — three people with deletions, three with duplications and three non-variant controls. Researchers obtained a skin sample from each person, gave the skin cells a molecular cocktail that converted them to stem cells, then treated the stem cells in a way that coaxed them into becoming brain cells, preserving each patient’s unique genetic background. 

The organoids revealed that RhoA — a protein that plays a big part in many basic cellular functions, such as development and movement — is more active in both 16p11.2-deleted and 16p11.2-duplicated organoids than it is in organoids without these variations. Over-active RhoA led to a slowdown in neuronal migration, the process by which brain cells get to where they need to be for normal fetal development and function in adulthood.

When the team inhibited RhoA in the autism-like organoids, neuronal migration was restored to levels seen in the control organoids.

“Our work opens the possibility to therapeutically manipulate the RhoA pathway,” said Muotri, who is also director of the UC San Diego Stem Cell Program and a member of the Sanford Consortium for Regenerative Medicine. “The same pathway may be also damaged in other individuals with autism spectrum disorder who have macrocephaly or microcephaly. Considering this, we can potentially help millions of patients.”

Organoids aren’t perfect reproductions of the brain. They lack connections to other organ systems, such as blood vessels, and so don’t encapsulate full human biology. In addition, therapeutics tested on brain organoids are added directly. They don’t need to get across the blood-brain barrier, specialized blood vessels that keep the brain largely free of microbes and toxins.

The team plans to further test RhoA inhibitors in a mouse model with 16p11.2 variations or over-active RhoA for their ability to reverse defects associated with autism spectrum disorder. 

Co-authors include: Jorge Urresti, Pan Zhang, Patricia Moran-Losada, Priscilla D. Negraes, Cleber A. Trujillo, Danny Antaki, Megha Amar, Kevin Chau, Akula Bala Pramod, Leon Tejwani, Sarah Romero, and Jonathan Sebat, all at UC San Diego; Nam-Kyung Yu, Jolene Diedrich, and John R. Yates III, Scripps Research.

New Study: Vegan Diet vs Fibromyalgia

New Study: Vegan Diet vs Fibromyalgia - YouTube

A recent 2021 review looked at several studies showing the effects that a vegan diet had on fibromyalgia, a painful disease that mostly affects women. Also covered: What is fibromyalgia? / What causes fibromyalgia?