10 Signs of Sjogren’s Syndrome

10 Signs of Sjogren's Syndrome - YouTube

#Sjogren‘s Syndrome is one of the most common diseases in my practice, Rheumatologist Oncall. In this video, I will discuss the most common 10 #manifestations of Sjogren’s Syndrome from dry eyes and mouth, arthritis, joint pain, to lung disease, heart disease, #neurological manifestations to fatigue, depression, fibromyalgia and many more.

Autism and Misdiagnosis – Why I was scared of getting a formal autism diagnosis

Autism and Misdiagnosis - Why I was scared of getting a formal autism  diagnosis - YouTube

Are you afraid of being misdiagnosed as normal? I initially thought getting a formal diagnosis was a mandatory part of the process so I could be accepted and for my autistic identity to be validated. Now I know that it’s not 100% necessary, yet getting a formal diagnosis can still be extremely validating for some. The flip side, however is also true. The fear of being misdiagnosed threatened to take away a part of my identity. Regardless of whether you seek a formal diagnosis or not, however, you can still meet other autistic people in the meantime and become a part of the diverse and welcoming autistic community.

Are You Vitamin B12 Deficient? Here’s What You Need To Know

Are You Vitamin B12 Deficient? Here's What You Need To Know - YouTube

In this video, we’re going to talk about Vitamin B12 and its importance in the body. We’ll cover how it works, and what it does as well as who is more prone to deficiency and what medications can cause a person to be predisposed to lower levels of Vitamin B12.

The True Cost Of Autistic Masking (Damaging Effects Of Unconscious Masking)

The True Cost Of Autistic Masking (Damaging Effects Of Unconscious Masking)  - YouTube

What is the true cost of autistic masking? Is unmasking really necessary? For autistic people, masking can become a useful skill that lets us blend in and sometimes even do very well in society. However, this mask takes energy to create and eventually becomes a barrier that hides our authentic selves. So the question is, what is the ultimate price we pay? What is the true cost of masking?

Late Autism Diagnosis: Re-Evaluating Your Life and Re-Discovering Yourself!

Late Autism Diagnosis: Re-Evaluating Your Life and Re-Discovering Yourself!  - YouTube

A late Autism diagnosis makes us take a step back and re-evaluate our previous experiences. For me, Autism was the golden thread that tied together all previously unrelated experiences, both positive and negative. Autism diagnosis helped me explain my reactions and contributed to my journey of rediscovery.