Multiple Sclerosis Warning Signs

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Multiple sclerosis is an disabling autoimmune disorder in which the body’s immune system attacks its own tissues and organs. Multiple sclerosis specifically attacks the sheath that protects nerves. This makes it difficult for the brain to communicate with the rest of the body and eventually the nerves may completely deteriorate. Symptoms vary widely and depend on which nerves are affected and how much damage is done. Warning signs of MS include — but are not limited to — the following.

* Fatigue

* Lack of coordination

* Double vision or pain in the eye

* Blurred or loss of vision in one eye

* Numbness in limbs

* Dizziness

* Tremors

* Tingling pain in different parts of body

* Electric-shock sensation with head movements

Women are more susceptible to multiple sclerosis than men and it usually occurs between the ages of twenty and forty. But anyone of any any age can get it. MS. can be difficult to diagnos because the symptoms can be intermittent. It also affects different nerves making it more difficult to trace the source of the pain.