Multiple Sclerosis Spasticity: 7 of my best tips

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Multiple Sclerosis Spasticity: 7 of my best tips Spasticity is all too common and can destroy our quality of life! Don’t let it.

In this video, I share 7 tips to beat spasticity (plus a bonus tip at the end!). These are the same spasticity tips we share with people with MS at our center!

My favorite formal definition of spasticity is: “disordered sensori-motor control, resulting from an upper motor neuron lesion, presenting as intermittent or sustained involuntary activation of muscles. ” In plan english, your opposing muscles (like your biceps and your tricep muscles of the arm) no long coordinate movements and BOTH try to contract at the SAME TIME! The result: stiff limbs that are hard to bend, spasms (bouncing) and painful cramps (like a “charlie horse”).

Spasticity can be caused by any form of damage to descending motor pathways: MS, stroke, CP, spinal cord injury, etc. It’s always worse when it’s cold outside, your are stiff for a prolonged time (like when sleeping, driving for several hours, or working at your desk all day).