Living with Multiple Sclerosis, Changed by Kindness

Living with Multiple Sclerosis, Changed by Kindness | Gaby Mammone |  TEDxBrampton - YouTube

Gabriella Mammone, more commonly known as Gaby “with one b” is an award-winning business executive widely recognized as an advocacy leader in the charitable and not-for-profit sectors. She is an Ambassador with the MS Society of Canada where she advocates for people affected by multiple sclerosis and other episodic disabilities.

Gaby has overcome personal challenges enforcing perseverance and resilience filled with appreciation, kindness, and a zest for life. She is an inspirational example of overcoming adversity. Gaby promotes diversity, inclusion and acceptance. In this talk, Gaby talks about her journey in living with multiple sclerosis and how kindness has helped to heal her. Gaby is the founder of the kindness movement, #BeAwareBeKind.

She encourages individuals to look for reasons to be kind. It is no surprise that Gaby’s company is appropriately titled Kind Projects where she provides marketing & communication strategies to increase awareness and fundraising goals.