As many of you know by now I’m a sucker for a decent infographic.
I think they are a great way of sharing health information and providing medical education to a wide range of people.
So I was delighted when Jaime got in touch telling me about this infographic she and her team have put together!
In fact it is really three infographics rolled into one.
The first looks at the impact of chronic illness in general. The second and this is really useful for people with conditions like fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis – a guide to an anti-inflammatory diet . Why not compare it to our earlier guide here.
Finally she gives a great ten pint plan for dealing with chronic illness.
What do you think?
Why not use the comments section below to add your thoughts?
Thanks very much in advance.
“Lifestyle Management With a Chronic Illness” on Health Perch
10 pint plan. Joy of joys