High rates of missed medical appointments among patients with ADHD.

Research highlights urgent challenges for ADHD diagnosis and treatment
Research highlights urgent challenges for ADHD diagnosis and treatment.

Patients with ADHD (Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) are 60-90% more likely to miss appointments with their doctors compared to the general population, according to the first study to examine this issue within general medical practice.

It’s important to remember that missing multiple doctors’ appointments, known as ‘missingness’, is a major concern for patient care. Research from the same team has revealed that failing to attend appointments is associated with a significantly higher risk of illness and premature death.

The new three-year study from the Universities of Bath, Glasgow, Aberdeen and Copenhagen analysed data from 136 GP practices in Scotland to establish the prevalence of recorded ADHD and assess whether it is associated with an increased risk of missing scheduled appointments. This included over 1,400 patients with an ADHD diagnosis.

The researchers discovered that 21 per cent of children and adolescents with diagnosed ADHD missed at least one in-person appointment annually, compared to 10 per cent of individuals without ADHD. Additionally, 8 per cent missed two or more appointments annually.

In adults, 38% missed at least one appointment annually, compared to 23% without ADHD, and 16% missed two or more.

Professor David Ellis from the University of Bath’s School of Management stated, “Missed appointments can have short and long-term consequences for society. We know that multiple misses are a red flag for poor patient outcomes. This can lead to missed opportunities for providing care where it is most needed.”.”

“Our study revealed that patients with ADHD experience higher rates of both mental and physical health problems compared to those without the condition. Consequently, multiple missed appointments can have a significant impact. Furthermore, missing appointments may contribute to delayed diagnosis and treatment of ADHD.”

ADHD is quite common, with an estimated prevalence of 2-5% of the population, but it is often not formally diagnosed. Symptoms typically persist throughout life but are frequently interpreted as indicating other diagnoses besides ADHD.

In a study of Scottish patients from September 2013 to 2016, it was found that 0.3 percent of the patients had been diagnosed with ADHD. Among all the recorded diagnoses, 84 percent were in patients under 35. This relatively low prevalence is consistent with findings from other studies that used medical records data.

Professor Andrea Williamson of the University of Glasgow stated, “People often criticize individuals who miss GP appointments, but patients with ADHD may find it challenging to attend due to cognitive impairments associated with their condition. These impairments can impact their ability to schedule and remember appointments. Addressing the issue of missed appointments is complex and requires research and targeted interventions in healthcare to improve outcomes.”