Wendy Hendrie, Specialist Physiotherapist in Multiple Sclerosis at Norwich MS Centre, introduces ‘Helping people with multiple sclerosis cope with ataxia’, a seminar delivered at the MS Trust conference, 5 November 2013.
What is ataxia? 0:05
How does ataxia affect people with MS? 01:00
Can ataxia be treated? If so, how? 02:25
A restorative/rehabilitation approach 03:00
Compensatory strategies 04:14
Mobility problems 04:42
(walking sticks/crutches 05:25, trekking poles 05:50, weighting mobility aids 06:13, axial weighting 06:48, core stability aids 07:40, temperature control solutions 08:00)
Upper limb problems 08:54:
(weighting 09:28, lycra 10:16, cooling 11:10, peripheral vision 11:50, overshooting 12:55, sensory attraction 13:38)
Postural problems 14:30