What is Vitamin D? Watch our new video!

Vitamin D

Vitamin D

Watch our video that aims to educate the nation on the significance of Vitamin D consumption and the best ways to reap its benefits.

To mark the clocks going back on the 29th October, new research by SunVit-D3, reveals that Brits are surprisingly unaware of the importance of Vitamin D and the effects it can have on us.

During the winter months, where darkness reigns supreme, decreased amounts of sunlight exposure can leave us with a vastly depleted level of vitamin D which can, in turn, leave us feeling tired and potentially lead to other health problems.

A lot of people don’t realise that vitamin D is essential for the regulation of our body, including normal muscle growth, immune system and general wellbeing. Without the correct levels of vitamin D a person could experience health problems such as fatigue, bone ache, insomnia and general mood problems.

Shockingly, research suggests this lack of Vitamin D during the winter is exactly the case for many Brits, but there are several ways, other than sunlight, that can help ensure a healthy well-being including diet and taking supplements.

Watch our video, featuring Dr Roger Henderson, with top tips and professional advice to make sure you’re at the top of your game during winter, so you experience all the benefits that Vitamin D has to offer.

Vitamin B3

The beginning of lines in your skin might be the most dismal experiences you will actually have in your lifetime. Nevertheless, as the lines really are a normal area of the aging process, you’ll have the ability to eliminate these as rapidly by using vitamin B3.

Vitamin B3

From Visually.

Vitamins – a rough guide.

We have looked at some of the various different vitamins our bodies need, why they need them and how to get them.

This infographic does give a great visual overview of our vitamin needs. However for more detailed information please have a look at some of our previous blog posts.

Vitamin A

Vitamin B12

Vitamin C

And Vitamin D. Some more information on the sources of Vitamin D. Also a recent post about multiple sclerosis and vitamin D!

Vitamins Cheat Sheet

From Visually.

Do I need vitamin supplements?

Do we really need vitamin supplement?

Do we really need vitamin supplement?

Most people don’t need to take vitamin supplements and are able to get all the vitamins and minerals they need by eating a healthy, balanced diet.

Vitamins and minerals are essential nutrients, such as ironcalcium and vitamin C, that your body needs in small amounts to work properly.

Many people choose to take supplements, but taking too much or taking them for too long could be harmful. The Department of Health recommends certain supplements for some groups of people who are at risk of deficiency. These are described below.

Folic acid supplements in pregnancy

All women thinking of having a baby should have a folic acid supplement, as should any pregnant woman up to week 12 of her pregnancy. Folic acid can help to prevent neural tube defects, such as spina bifida.

Read more about vitamins, supplements and nutrition in pregnancy.

Vitamin D supplements

The Department of Health recommends that everyone over the age of five (including pregnant and breastfeeding women) should consider taking a daily vitamin D supplement, particularly between October and March.

Some groups of the population are at greater risk of not getting enough vitamin D than others, including:

babies from birth to the age of one, (including breastfed babies and formula fed babies who have less than 500ml a day of infant formula)

all children aged between one and four

people who aren’t often outdoors – for example, those who are frail or housebound, in an institution such as a care home, or if they usually wear clothes that cover up most of their skin when outdoors

These people should take daily vitamin D supplements, to make sure they get enough.

Read more information about vitamin D.

Supplements containing vitamins A, C and D

All children aged six months to five years should take a supplement containing vitamins A, C and D. This is a precaution because growing children may not get enough of these vitamins – especially those not eating a varied diet, such as fussy eaters.

Your GP may also recommend supplements if you need them for a medical condition. For example, you may be prescribed iron supplements to treat iron deficiency anaemia.

Effervescent tablets: salt advice

Effervescent (fizzy) vitamin supplements or effervescent painkillers can contain up to a gram of salt per tablet. Consider changing to a non-effervescent tablet, particularly if you have been advised to watch or reduce your salt intake.

Folic acid – what it is and why we need it. Please share with any pregnant women you know!

Folic acid is a type of Vitamin B. And is a vital part of fertility in men and women. Also many Doctors recommend supplements during pregnancy!

There is also some evidence it many help with macular degeneration.

So we thought this would be a great opportunity to share this fascinating infographic which outlines the uses and benefits of taking folic acid.

Do feel free to share with anyone who may find it of interest! Especially pregnant women or those hoping to conceive.

Folic Acid. What is it, and why is it important? – An infographic by the team at Colic Calm

Found on:http://www.coliccalm.com/folic-acid/folic-acid.htm