Everything You Need to Know about Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 also known as Cobalamin is an important vitamin for proper bodily functioning and overall well-being. Often overshadowed by vitamins C & D, it is in fact just as vital as these more ‘headline’ vitamins.

B12 deficiency is more common than people realise and is generally diet related, in some age groups it can effect up to 1 in 10 people. Getting your recommended daily allowance isn’t particularly difficult but if you aren’t eating the right food types or taking any supplements then you may not be getting enough.

For the full low down of symptoms, causes, diagnosis and B12 sources that you can introduce in to your diet, check out this new infographic from psysci:

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12

How to Naturally Overcome Vitamin D Deficiency

Vitamin D

Vitamin D

How to Naturally Overcome Vitamin D Deficiency

For more information on Vitamin D go here. For getting more Vitamin D from food this article will be of use.

Oh and for info on multiple sclerosis and vitamin d here.

Interestingly fibromyalgia, diabetes, and lupus are warning signs of Vitamin D deficiency!

Vitamin D levels reach dangerously low in winter months

Vitamin D

Vitamin D

Vitamin D, also known as ‘the sunshine vitamin’, is good for us in so many ways. Unlike other nutrients it is not provided by the food we eat, but the exposure we have to the sun. It is required for the absorption of calcium and promotes healthy bones, teeth and muscle growth, as well as supporting our immune system. Recent studies have also shown that vitamin D protects against colds.

Despite the undeniable benefits of the vitamin, new research has found that only 19% of people have been tested for their Vitamin D levels in the past and of those tested over two thirds (64%) had noticeably low numbers.

In addition to this, 66% of parents and children do not take vitamin D tablets and 78% were not aware that the government recommends that everybody (including babies and children) should take a vitamin D supplement every day.

A mix of environmental, lifestyle and nutrition habits as well as confusion over how best to manage sun exposure have all led to these reduced vitamin D levels within the UK population.

Our primary source of vitamin D is bright sunshine on the skin (face, arms and neck). However, in the UK it’s impossible to get the required amount of sunshine in the autumn and winter months, to enable the skin to make adequate vitamin D levels.

We can get some vitamin D from a healthy diet, but not the healthy amount needed. The Department of Health issued new guidelines in 2016 which said that everyone, without exception, needs to supplement their vitamin D intake, especially during the colder, darker autumn and winter months when most of us spend most of our time indoors.

And some key population groups are at risk all year round, such as those with darker skin, people who always cover up outdoors, elderly people in care or those who don’t go out very often, babies and young children – and people who spend most of their lives in an urban environment.
60% of people living in urban areas have inadequate vitamin D levels in the winter. 16% of people in London have inadequate levels all year round as UVB rays are blocked by cloud cover or pollution and never reach us.

Office workers and most indoor occupations reduce your time to be outdoors. A recent survey showed that 15% of workers spend no time outside in a nature-like environment during the working week and only 30% take a proper lunch-break. People on nightshifts often sleep at the key time of day when the sun can help your vitamin D levels.

Here to discuss the UK’s lack of Vitamin D and the impact of this is author and international speaker Dr. John Briffa. Emilee interview him on behalf of PatienTalk.Org and includes a discussion on the relationship between vitamin d and multiple sclerosis.

Dr John Briffa is a practising doctor, author and international speaker. He is prize-winning graduate of University College London School of Medicine, where he also gained a BSc degree in Biomedical Sciences. Dr Briffa is a leading authority on the impact of nutrition and other lifestyle factors on health and illness. He is dedicated to providing individuals with information and advice they can use to take control of their health and optimise their energy and vitality.

Dr Briffa is a former columnist for the Daily Mail and the Observer, and former contributing editor for Men’s Health magazine. He has contributed to over 50 newspaper and magazine titles internationally, and is a previous recipient of the Health Journalist of the Year award in the UK.

Vitamin D may prevent asthma worsening for some

Vitamin D

Vitamin D

Vitamin D supplements protect against severe asthma attacks,” The Daily Telegraph reports.

The headline was prompted by a review that pooled data from seven trials comparing taking vitamin D supplements with a placebo in people with asthma.

The researchers wanted to see whether vitamin D reduced the risk of severe asthma episodes that needed hospitalisation or treatment with oral steroids, referred to as “asthma exacerbations”.

Overall, the researchers found vitamin D supplements reduced the risk of asthma exacerbations by 26%. Further analysis found the protective effect was only seen in people who were vitamin D deficient to start with.

But the main limitation of this evidence is the small number of exacerbations that occurred. For example, in two trials there were no asthma exacerbations, in another only a single event.

And only 92 people from the data were vitamin D deficient at the start. This means the risk estimates are based on small numbers, which may make them less accurate.

It’s currently recommended that certain groups, including those at risk of vitamin D deficiency and children aged one to four, take vitamin D supplements all year round.

All adults and children are advised to consider taking 10 micrograms (mcg) a day of vitamin D during the autumn and winter months, when there is less sunlight.

Find out what to do during an asthma attack.


Where did the story come from?

The study was carried out by researchers from Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London, and other institutions in the UK, US, Ireland, Poland and Japan.

Funding was provided by the Health Technology Assessment Programme, which is run by the UK’s National Institute for Health Research (NIHR).

The study was published in the peer-reviewed journal The Lancet: Respiratory Medicine.

The UK media’s reporting is generally accurate, but official guidelines haven’t changed on the basis of the results of this study.


What kind of research was this?

This systematic review and meta-analysis pooled data from people with asthma taking part in randomised controlled trials that compared vitamin D supplementation with an inactive placebo.

Previous meta-analysis of trial data has suggested that vitamin D may reduce the risk of asthma attacks and exacerbations of asthma.

But it’s not known whether this effect is influenced by the person’s vitamin D level to start with, so the researchers set out to investigate this.

A systematic review of randomised controlled trials (RCTs) is the best way of gathering the available evidence on the effects of an intervention.

But when it comes to trials on nutritional supplements, RCTs can vary considerably in how the treatment is given. And when the outcome of interest is relatively rare – in this case, asthma exacerbations – it can be difficult to be sure how much of the effect is down to the intervention.


What did the research involve?

The reviewers identified placebo-controlled trials of vitamin D supplementation (D2 or D3) in people with asthma that reported incidence of asthma exacerbations as an outcome.

The trials included had to be double-blinded in design, where neither the participants nor the assessors knew if a person was taking vitamin D or a placebo.

The reviewers collected individual patient data from the trials, contacting study investigators for clarity or to gather missing data.

They also collected information on participants’ age, gender, ethnicity, BMI, blood vitamin D concentration at the start of the study, and any other factors that might influence the results (confounders).

The main outcome of interest was incidence of asthma exacerbations needing treatment with oral steroids. They also looked at emergency hospital attendance or admissions and any adverse effects associated with supplementation.

Eight trials were eligible for inclusion, but patient data couldn’t be obtained for one, leaving a total of seven studies and 978 participants available for analysis. Trials came from six different countries (one from the UK), and about a third of the participants were children.

Vitamin D dosing varied from a single dose (an injection or infusion) every two months (100,000 international units, IU) to daily dosing (500 to 2,000 IU per day) or a mixture of the two. Treatment duration ranged from 15 weeks to one year.

Baseline blood vitamin D levels ranged from undetectable to 187nmol/L. Vitamin D deficiency is generally accepted to be less than 25nmol/L, so this threshold was used in the study.


What were the basic results?

Asthma exacerbations needing oral steroid treatment were rare. In two trials there were no exacerbations, and in another there was only one.

When pooling the participants, in all seven studies vitamin D supplementation was associated with a 26% reduced risk of asthma exacerbation needing steroid treatment (relative risk (RR) 0.74, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.56 to 0.97).

A similar risk reduction was found when researchers just looked at the four individual studies with several exacerbations.

There was no difference between groups in the proportion of people having at least one exacerbation, but vitamin D helped reduce the risk of multiple exacerbations.

Vitamin D supplements reduced the rate of exacerbations in people with vitamin D levels less than 25nmol/l (0.33, 95% CI 0.11 to 0.98), but this was based on data from only 92 participants.

Among the 764 participants who weren’t vitamin D deficient, there was no significant effect, regardless of their age, gender and ethnicity.

Vitamin D didn’t increase the risk of serious adverse events, and there were no cases of high blood calcium or kidney stones reported.


How did the researchers interpret the results?

The researchers concluded: “Vitamin D supplementation reduced the rate of asthma exacerbations requiring treatment with systemic corticosteroids overall.

“We did not find definitive evidence that effects of this intervention differed across subgroups of patients.”



This review gathers the available trial evidence to address the specific question of whether giving people with asthma vitamin D supplements could have an effect on how many asthma exacerbations they have.

The review has many strengths. It only included double-blind trials, where participants and assessors didn’t know if people were taking vitamin D or a placebo.

Researchers also made careful attempts to gather all relevant data and information on confounding factors, and all but one trial had a low risk of bias.

But there are some limitations to bear in mind:

With the relatively small number of trials and participants, the outcome of interest – exacerbations needing steroid treatment – was quite rare. Three trials recorded no exacerbations, and a third only one. Analyses based on a small number of events can give less precise risk estimates.

The main aim was to see whether a person’s vitamin D levels to begin with had an effect. The researchers found there was: the benefit was only seen in people who were vitamin D deficient to start with. But only 92 people fell into this category, so again the small number of events in this sample may give a less reliable result.

The dosing and duration of treatment varied from study to study. Along with the small sample and low number of events, this makes it difficult to know what could be an optimal dose for children or adults to take.

This study, and the research it’s based on, isn’t able to tell us whether there should be a change in guidelines for people with asthma. It’s too soon to recommend they take vitamin D supplements, regardless of whether or not they’re deficient.

Current guidelines recommend everyone should consider taking a vitamin D supplement of 10mcg a day in the autumn and winter months, when there is less sunlight. People can get all the vitamin D they need from sunlight and some dietary sources in the spring and summer.

Babies who are breastfed, all children aged one to four years, pregnant and breastfeeding women, and people at risk (such as those who are indoors a lot) are advised to take a supplement all year round.

Vitamin D supplements are available from most pharmacists and are usually safe to take as long as you don’t regularly take more than 100mcg (4,000 IU) a day.

Children under 10 years should not take more than 50mcg a day, and babies under one year should not take more than 25mcg a day.