Compound developed at UArizona Health Sciences provides innovative pain relief

Compound 194 Reduces NaV1.7 Currents

This image shows the structure of compound 194 (yellow sticks) overlaid on an electrophysiology trace showing reduced sodium currents (yellow vs. black lines) from cells that are treated with compound 194. The structure illustrates the predicted interaction of CRMP2 (pink, PDB 2GSE) with the Nav1.7 channel (cyan, PDB 6J8G). CREDIT University of Arizona Health Sciences

Researchers at the University of Arizona Health Sciences are closer to developing a safe and effective non-opioid pain reliever after a study showed that a new compound they created reduces the sensation of pain by regulating a biological channel linked to pain.

Most people experience pain at some point in their lives, and the National Institutes of Health estimates 100 million people in the U.S. suffer from chronic pain. Approximately 21-29% of patients prescribed opioids for chronic pain misuse them and 8-12% of people using an opioid for chronic pain develop an opioid use disorder, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. In 2019, nearly 50,000 people in the U.S. died from opioid-involved overdoses.

“Drug discovery for chronic pain is at the forefront of this research, and it’s being amplified by the intersection of the COVID-19 pandemic and the opioid epidemic,” said Rajesh Khanna, PhD, associate director of the UArizona Health Sciences Comprehensive Pain and Addiction Center, professor of pharmacology in the UArizona College of Medicine – Tucson and member of the BIO5 Institute. “Drug discovery is a very arduous process. Our lab looked at a fundamental mechanism of pain, came up with a way to differentiate it from those before us and found a compound that has the potential as a new non-opioid treatment for pain.” 

The paper, “Selective targeting of NaV1.7 via inhibition of the CRMP2-Ubc9 interaction reduces pain in rodents,” was published today in Science Translational Medicine.

The biological mechanism at the heart of the research is NaV1.7, a sodium ion channel that previously was linked to the sensation of pain through genetic studies of people with rare pain disorders. 

Nerve cells, or neurons, use electrical currents to send signals to the brain and throughout the body, and sodium ion channels are vital to a cell’s ability to generate those electrical currents. When a neuron is stimulated, the NaV1.7 channel opens and allows positively charged sodium ions to cross the cell membrane and enter the previously negatively charged cell. The change in charge across the cell membrane generates an electrical current, which increases the excitability of the neuron and sets in motion a cascade of events that leads to pain.

Because NaV1.7 is a human-validated target for pain, multiple attempts have tried to stop pain by using sodium ion channel inhibitors to block NaV1.7. None have been successful. Dr. Khanna and his team took a different approach – rather than block NaV1.7, they wanted to indirectly regulate it.

Using a compound they designed and dubbed 194, the team successfully regulated NaV1.7 activation in the laboratory using nerve cells from four different species, including humans. In animal models, 194 was effective in reversing pain in six different pain models in both sexes.

Researchers also found that 194 also may promote pain relief by activating the body’s endogenous, or naturally occurring, opioid system. Once produced, endogenous opioids activate receptors that produce physiological changes such as pain relief. And 194 did so without causing motor performance issues, depressive behaviors or addiction.

Finally, Dr. Khanna and the team observed a synergistic effect when 194 was combined with morphine and gabapentin. This is a promising sign that 194 could also be used in a dose-reduction strategy for painkillers that have negative side effects, including opioids, while maintaining high levels of pain relief.

The science behind 194

Dr. Khanna’s prior research identified a protein, collapsin response mediator protein 2 (CRMP2), and an enzyme, Ubc9, that both play a role in NaV1.7 activation. CRMP2 is a protein that binds to NaV1.7 and transports it to the cell membrane, where sodium ions are then transferred into the cell. Ubc9 is an enzyme that tags CRMP2 with another protein – a small ubiquitin-like modifier protein – to specifically direct control of NaV1.7. 

Building on this knowledge, Dr. Khanna and the team set out to determine if they could directly regulate the activity of NaV1.7 by blocking Ubc9 from interacting with CRMP2. Team members including May Khanna, PhD, associate professor of pharmacology and BIO5 Institute member, Vijay Gokhale, PhD, associate research professor in the BIO5 Institute, and Samantha Perez-Miller, PhD, researcher and scientist in the Department of Pharmacology, examined 50,000 existing small molecules to identify the ones with a structure similar to Ubc9. 

They selected less than 50 of the closest matches, which were then tested in Dr. Khanna’s laboratory to see if their presence would suppress the influx of sodium through NaV1.7. The findings were promising, so the team set their sights on developing a unique, more effective compound.

The result was 194, which UArizona patented and licensed to startup Regulonix LLC through Tech Launch Arizona, the UArizona office that commercializes inventions stemming from university research. Drs. Khanna and Gokhale founded Regulonix LLC in 2016 to address the growing opioid epidemic by developing new, non-addictive ways to treat pain and commercializing those innovations.

While 194 shows great promise for pain relief, Dr. Khanna and the team have been working with the National Institutes of Health’s National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences to optimize the compound. In this case, an NCATS team is primarily focusing on improving 194’s half-life – the time it takes for a drug to reduce by half in your body – and its drug-like properties.

It is an important step in optimizing the compound’s potential as a pain-relieving drug and advancing to the next stage, where researchers will file for Food and Drug Administration approval to begin clinical trials.

How are epilepsy and autism linked?


Epilepsy and autism show a remarkable degree of comorbidity and may share pathological mechanisms. Questions that have bogged down scientists about these disorders include: Does autism lead to an increase in epilepsy? Or does epilepsy alter the brain circuit, which then leads to autism?

Viji Santhakumar, an associate professor in the Department of Molecular, Cell and Systems Biology at the University of California, Riverside, in collaboration with Tracy Tran at Rutgers University have tackled these questions in a paper published in the journal Translational Psychiatry.

“One hypothesis is that during brain development, inhibitory neurons, which regulate brain rhythms, develop in an abnormal manner,” Santhakumar said. “If this is true, then how the brain circuit gets set up is abnormal, which may lead to both autism and epilepsy.”

Santhakumar and her team focused on inhibitory neurons in mice. She explained that unlike excitatory neurons that lead to a forward propagation of information, inhibitory neurons work like a brake by suppressing and sculpting the activity of downstream neurons.

The researchers generated mice with a global mutation in all cells that prevented the inhibitory neurons from migrating to their normal location in mature brain circuits. Not surprisingly, they found a reduction in inhibitory currents in the hippocampus, a region of the brain known for memory function. Notably, the mutant mice showed behavioral traits associated with autism and were more prone to seizures.

“We found fewer inhibitory neurons in the brain circuit,” Santhakumar said. “There may be a developmental abnormality in establishing inhibitory neuron circuits. If we can identify what the molecular pathways are, we may be able to intervene early and make sure the inhibitory circuit is maintained. How the circuit develops may play a key role in the co-occurrence of autism and epilepsy. Understanding these mechanisms may help develop more targeted cures.”

Results of the study suggest that a common underlying defect in circuit formation could contribute to both autism and epilepsy. The findings of the current study open the doors for future work to test whether mutations, when restricted to specific cell types and developmental periods, can help distinguish between the role of inhibitory neuron migration and maintenance of circuit connections in the development of autism or epilepsy.    

Santhakumar was supported in this research by a grant from the New Jersey Governor’s Council for Medical Research and Treatment of Autism.

The research paper, on which Deepak Subramanian, an assistant project scientist at UC Riverside, shares lead authorship, is titled, “Reduced hippocampal inhibition and enhanced autism-epilepsy comorbidity in mice lacking neuropilin 2.”

Santhakumar, Tran, and Subramanian were joined in the study by Carol Eisenberg, Patryk Ziobro, Jack DeLucia, and Michael W. Shiflett of Rutgers University; and Milad Afrasiabi and Pamela R. Hirschberg of Rutgers New Jersey Medical School. Subramanian, Eisenberg, and Afrasiabi contributed equally to the study.

Achieving inner balance: How to keep metabolites on the level

New insight into how excess belly fat may increase cancer risk

Keeping everything running smoothly inside the human body is a tricky business that involves a multitude of checks and balances to make sure that an exquisite equilibrium is maintained. Now, researchers from Japan have identified a single protein that helps balance both sugar and fat levels in the liver and could be a promising drug target for treating symptoms associated with obesity.

In a study published this month in Nature Communications, researchers led by a team from the University of Tsukuba have revealed that C-terminal binding protein 2 (CtBP2) is a global regulator of metabolism that is crucial for balancing sugar and fat metabolism in the liver.

Metabolism is the process by which our bodies break down nutrients into smaller parts that can be used by individual cells to carry out their normal activities. The metabolism of different food components has to be balanced carefully to make sure that everything is maintained at optimal levels and keeps running smoothly; and this balance is maintained by a host of regulatory proteins.

“CtBP2 is a regulatory protein that senses changes in the relative levels of certain metabolites and responds by altering the expression of other proteins,” explains lead author of the study Professor Motohiro Sekiya. “Our preliminary findings showed that CtBP2 may be specifically involved in glucose metabolism in the liver, so we wanted to investigate this possibility in more detail.”

To do this, the researchers explored the genes, proteins, and metabolites that CtBP2 interacts with.

“The results were somewhat surprising,” states Professor Sekiya, “as we found that CtBP2 interacted with multiple proteins to regulate the expression of genes related not only to glucose metabolism, but also to lipid metabolism and inflammation, all of which are involved metabolic disease.”

In fact, the researchers found that CtBP2 levels are low in obese mice, as well as in liver samples from deceased obese individuals, which could explain the imbalances in sugar and fat metabolism seen with obesity. Conversely, giving obese mice extra CtBP2 improved their health by promoting a healthier metabolite balance, further demonstrating the pivotal role of this protein in maintaining optimum metabolism.

“Our findings suggest that CtBP2 is a master integrator of metabolic signals in the liver that is crucial for controlling glucose and lipid balance,” says Professor Sekiya.

The team showed that a site on CtBP2 called the Rossmann fold was crucial for the protein to carry out these activities, so designing drugs to target this active site could be a new avenue toward treating people with metabolic disorders. Given that current treatments for diabetes address sugar metabolism at the expense of fat metabolism, possibly damaging liver health, a single drug that could target both of these functions could also be an important step forward for diabetics.

Multiple sclerosis – Seeking a treatment for optic neuritis

Seeking a treatment for optic neuritis | David Kaufman | TEDxMSU - YouTube

Scientists search for that defining “Aha!” moment – and MSU professor David Kaufman’s came about as a result of his commitment to understanding a degenerative disease as well as accepting both the ordinary and unorthodox throughout his career. David Kaufman is the chair of neurology at Michigan State University’s College of Human Medicine.

Multiple Sclerosis and Ethnicity

MS Vlog: Multiple Sclerosis and Ethnicity - YouTube

In this video, I discuss Ethnicity and Multiple Sclerosis, with a focus on correcting disparities in access to care and research. I share with you a path to improve MS care in underserved communities in this Telehealth era.