Pregnant women with obesity and diabetes may be more likely to have a child with ADHD

New knowledge about the link between infection during pregnancy and autism
New knowledge about the link between infection during pregnancy and autism

Children of women with gestational diabetes and obesity may be twice as likely to develop attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) compared to those whose mothers did not have obesity, according to new research published in the Endocrine Society’s Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.

The estimated number of children aged 3–17 years ever diagnosed with ADHD is 6 million, according to data from 2016-2019. A major risk factor for ADHD in children is maternal obesity. Roughly 30% of women have obesity at their first doctor’s visit during pregnancy, and this number increases to 47% in women with gestational diabetes. Excessive weight gain during pregnancy in this population is a risk factor for children developing ADHD.

“Our study found pregnant women with obesity and gestational diabetes had children with long-term mental health disorders such as ADHD,” said Verónica Perea, M.D., Ph.D., of the Hospital Universitari MutuaTerrassa in Barcelona, Spain. “We did not find this association when these women gained a healthy amount of weight during pregnancy.”

The researchers studied 1,036 children born to women with gestational diabetes. Thirteen percent of these children were diagnosed with ADHD. The researchers found children of women with gestational diabetes and obesity were twice as likely to have ADHD compared to those born to mothers without obesity.

The researchers only found this association in women with gestational diabetes, obesity and excessive weight gain during pregnancy. The researchers did not observe a higher risk of ADHD in children of women with gestational diabetes and obesity if the amount of weight these women gained during pregnancy was within the normal range.

“It’s important for clinicians to counsel their patients on the importance of healthy weight gain during pregnancy,” Perea said.

Sugar disrupts the microbiome, eliminates protection against obesity and diabetes

A study of mice found that dietary sugar alters the gut microbiome, setting off a chain of events that leads to metabolic disease, pre-diabetes, and weight gain.

The findings, published today in Cell(link is external and opens in a new window), suggest that diet matters, but an optimal microbiome is equally important for the prevention of metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and obesity. 

Diet alters microbiome

A Western-style high-fat, high-sugar diet can lead to obesity, metabolic syndrome, and diabetes, but how the diet kickstarts unhealthy changes in the body is unknown.

The gut microbiome is indispensable for an animal’s nutrition, so Ivalyo Ivanov, PhD, associate professor of microbiology & immunology at Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, and his colleagues investigated the initial effects of the Western-style diet on the microbiome of mice.

After four weeks on the diet, the animals showed characteristics of metabolic syndrome, such as weight gain, insulin resistance, and glucose intolerance. And their microbiomes had changed dramatically, with the amount of segmented filamentous bacteria—common in the gut microbiota of rodents, fish, and chickens—falling sharply and other bacteria increasing in abundance.

Microbiome changes alter Th17 cells

The reduction in filamentous bacteria, the researchers found, was critical to the animals’ health through its effect on Th17 immune cells. The drop in filamentous bacteria reduced the number of Th17 cells in the gut, and further experiments revealed that it’s the Th17 cells that are necessary to prevent metabolic disease, diabetes, and weight gain.

“These immune cells produce molecules that slow down the absorption of ‘bad’ lipids from the intestines and they decrease intestinal inflammation,” Ivanov says. “In other words, they keep the gut healthy and protect the body from absorbing pathogenic lipids.”

Sugar vs. fat

What component of the high-fat, high-sugar diet led to these changes? Ivanov’s team found that sugar was to blame.

“Sugar eliminates the filamentous bacteria, and the protective Th17 cells disappear as a consequence,” says Ivanov. “When we fed mice a sugar-free, high-fat diet, they retain the intestinal Th17 cells and were completely protected from developing obesity and pre-diabetes, even though they ate the same number of calories.”

But eliminating sugar did not help all mice. Among those lacking any filamentous bacteria to begin with, elimination of sugar did not have a beneficial effect, and the animals became obese and developed diabetes.

“This suggests that some popular dietary interventions, such as minimizing sugars, may only work in people who have certain bacterial populations within their microbiota,” Ivanov says.

In those cases, certain probiotics might be helpful. In Ivanov’s mice, supplements of filamentous bacteria led to the recovery of Th17 cells and protection against metabolic syndrome, despite the animals’ consumption of a high-fat diet.

Though people do not have the same filamentous bacteria as mice, Ivanov thinks that other bacteria in people may have the same protective effects.

Providing Th17 cells to the mice also provided protection and may also be therapeutic for people. “Microbiota are important, but the real protection comes from the Th17 cells induced by the bacteria,” Ivanov says.

“Our study emphasizes that a complex interaction between diet, microbiota, and the immune system plays a key role in the development of obesity, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, and other conditions,” Ivanov says. “It suggests that for optimal health it is important not only to modify your diet but also improve your microbiome or intestinal immune system, for example, by increasing Th17 cell-inducing bacteria.”

Appetite genes control how children grow

HSE researchers compared expressive and receptive language abilities of Russian-speaking children with autism for the first time

Have you ever wondered why it is so different how quickly and how much small babies put on weight during the first years of life? Now researchers at the University of Bergen in Norway have found that this is largely controlled by our genes. The findings provide insight into the mechanisms that control appetite and energy metabolism early in life and can help us find better treatment for obesity in adolescence and adulthood.

After birth, we grow fast. The length increases by about 50% and the weight doubles during infancy. Then the growth slows down and goes into a stable phase in childhood until a growth spurt in puberty. But what drives this dynamic growth?

Researchers at the Center for Diabetes Research, University of Bergen, Norway have now found the explanation. They studied the genes of 30,000 children and their parents from the Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort of Norway. Many millions of genetic variants from each individual was examined and linked to growth data from a series of measurements of height and weight from birth to eight years of age.

The findings have attracted a great deal of attention.

“It turned out that genes linked to extreme obesity, appetite and the body’s energy consumption are responsible for the growth regulation”, professor Pål R. Njølstad says.

“This is dynamic in that specific genes have an effect only on some of the different phases of growth. We believe that this is probably one of the reasons why parents have always noted that some children are born with a naturally higher appetite than others and have significantly more fat mass in infancy. It seems that these dynamic effects are especially important in the first years of life, and that they do not increase the risk of later obesity”, Njølstad says.

Some of the genes are linked to drugs that are being tested to slow weight gain in extreme obesity. The findings may thus be important for the treatment of normal obesity. The results are now published in the journal Nature Metabolism.

Research team provides guidelines, recommendations for intermittent fasting

Research team provides guidelines, recommendations for intermittent fasting
Research team provides guidelines, recommendations for intermittent fasting

A University of Illinois Chicago team has summarized research on intermittent fasting to provide insights into its effects on the body and to provide advice for incorporating these diets in everyday life. They have also presented recommendations for future research into these popular diet methods. 

Clinical application of intermittent fasting for weight loss: progress and future directions,” was recently published in Nature Reviews Endocrinology. Krista Varady, professor of nutrition in the UIC College of Applied Health Sciences, is the lead author. 

The three main forms of intermittent fasting were reviewed: alternate-day fasting — consuming 0-500 calories on alternating feast days; the 5:2 diet — two fast days and five feast days per week; and time-restricted eating — eating only during a prescribed time window each day. These diets produce mild to moderate weight loss, 3% to 8% loss from baseline, over short durations of eight to 12 weeks.  

The review also states that intermittent fasting is on par with traditional calorie-restricted diets and shows results in improving some cardiometabolic risk factors. Additionally, intermittent fasting is generally safe, producing few gastrointestinal, neurological, hormonal or metabolic effects. Other findings included: 

  • Fasting works for individuals of normal weight as well as those with obesity. 
  • People with insulin resistance or prediabetes benefit from intermittent fasting, losing similar weight amounts as those without those conditions. 
  • Body composition for weight loss during intermittent fasting is similar to calorie-restriction diets, with 75% of the weight lost being fat and 25% lean mass. 

The research also dispelled some myths about intermittent fasting. 

“The main myth is people are going to feel weak and not be able to concentrate during fasting. We’ve shown it is the opposite: They actually have a better ability to concentrate,” Varady said, adding the increased energy may be an evolutionary response to give strength to seek food. 

Additionally, current research shows intermittent fasting does not harm metabolism. 

“With any diet, as you lose weight, your metabolism, like your calorie needs, will go down because they’re correlated tightly with your muscle mass. As you lose weight, people tend to lose a little bit of muscle. But fasting doesn’t tank your metabolism at all. We’ve shown that it is the same that would happen with like traditional dieting,” Varady said. 

The review also outlines areas for future research on intermittent fasting including: 

  • Long-term, randomized controlled clinical trials of all three fasting diets.  
  • Trials and qualitative studies that examine the effects of fasting diets on people with conditions such as diabetes, polycystic ovary syndrome and thyroid disorders. 
  • Studies that compare the three diets with each other. 
  • Studies that look at the effects of fasting to learn more about the mechanisms that underlie the metabolic improvements observed with fasting. 

“We really do need long-term data to see if people can do intermittent fasting for the long term,” Varady said. “I get lots of emails from people saying that they have been on the diet for 10 to 15 years, and it reversed their Type 2 diabetes, and they lost 60 pounds, and it was the only diet they could stick to. That is always nice to hear, but we need actual data to support that.” 

For those who want to try intermittent fasting, and for their clinicians, the review offers these guidelines: 

Who can do intermittent fasting? 

  • Adolescents with severe obesity. 
  • Adults with normal weight, overweight or obesity. 
  • Adults with hypertension or high cholesterol. 
  • Patients with insulin resistance or prediabetes. 
  • Patients with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes. 

Advice for starting intermittent fasting: 

  • Plan on a one- or two-week adjustment to fasting. Headaches are common but can subside with increased water intake. 
  • Boost fiber through eating fruits, vegetables and whole grains.  
  • Eat at least 50 grams of lean protein on the fast days when alternating feast days to control hunger and prevent excessive lean mass loss. 

What should be monitored during intermittent fasting? 

  • Adverse effects: Clinicians should assess adverse effects during the first three months of the diet. 
  • Nutrient deficiencies: Clinicians should monitor vitamin and mineral levels. 
  • Medications: Medications to control blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose should be monitored and may need to be reduced if the patient loses weight. 
  • Therapy: Patients should participate in behavioral change programs to help achieve long-term weight management. 

The study’s additional authors include Sofia Cienfuegos, Mark Ezpeleta and Kelsey Gabel of UIC. 

An obesity treatment for women only?

Weight-loss maintainers sit less than weight-stable people with obesity

University of Virginia School of Medicine researchers have identified a potential way to battle the health effects of obesity and type 2 diabetes in women after discovering an important factor that could determine how their bodies use and store fat.

Based on their new discovery, the researchers, led by Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering Mete Civelek, PhD, were able to change whether female lab mice’s bodies stored fat subcutaneously (under the skin) or viscerally (wrapped around the organs). While visceral fat goes unseen, hidden deep inside the body, it can be particularly harmful to good health.

The researchers say their results in mice suggest that a similar approach could help treat the effects of obesity and battle metabolic diseases, such as diabetes, in women.

“There is a strong need for targeted therapies against metabolic abnormalities caused by obesity and diabetes,” said the study’s first author, Qianyi Yang, PhD, of UVA’s Center for Public Health Genomics. “We hope that increasing KLF14 abundance in fat cells of females with obesity and diabetes may provide a novel treatment option to alleviate these metabolic abnormalities.”

How We Store Fat

Men and women naturally store fat differently. Men tend to be more apple-shaped, meaning they store fat around the waist, while women tend to be more pear-shaped. This is because women store more subcutaneous fat and less visceral fat in their lower body. Civelek’s new findings help explain why.

Civelek and his team were investigating a particular gene, KLF14, that has been linked to many different metabolic problems, including type 2 diabetes and coronary artery disease. These health associations are more pronounced in women than men, but scientists haven’t understood the reason.

Civelek and his collaborators found that the KLF14 gene is a key regulator of how the female body uses lipids (fats). The gene makes a protein that plays a critical in how fat cells form, what type of fat they turn into and where they are stored. When Civelek’s team blocked the production of this protein in lab mice, they noticed very different effects in males and females: Females gained fat, while males lost it. The females also stored fat differently than normal, gaining more visceral fat and less subcutaneous fat. 

There were other sex-specific changes as well: The female mice suffered slower metabolic rates and faster breathing, suggesting they were relying more on carbohydrates for fuel. And their bodies became less efficient at managing triglycerides, a type of fat in the blood.

Interestingly, when the researchers amped up production of the KLF14 protein in in female mice, the mice lost weight. But male mice did not. 

Based on what they’ve found, the researchers believe that increasing production of the KLF14 protein in fat cells in women may offer a way to treat the harmful effects of obesity and type 2 diabetes. More research will be needed, but the researchers say it is promising that their mouse findings align closely with what we see in humans.

“We are now working to create a drug delivery system that will target fat cells and deliver a small molecule to increase KLF14 abundance,” Civelek said. “We hope to translate our laboratory’s findings to the clinic to help women fight the effects of obesity and diabetes.”