Hip Pain Cardiff. We are building a community of patients, their carers, surgeons, physiotherapists, academic researchers and more. Please join us!

Cast Life – A Parent’s Guide to DDH Natalie Trice

Cast Life – A Parent’s Guide to DDH Natalie Trice

Improving awareness and understanding of young people’s hip conditions.

Patients, clinicians and researchers investigating Hip Dysplasia, Perthes and Slipped Upper Femoral Epiphysis.

On 28th October, as part of a series of Economic Social Research Council funded seminars, Hip Pain Cardiff will be focusing on the consequences of paediatric developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) and changes that need to be made.

Patients, family members and carers will be joined by leading Orthopaedic Surgeons John O’Hara and John Clegg at Cardiff University to discuss how diagnosis and treatment can be enhanced, pain can be managed and lives can be improved.

Sally Scott, Consultant Radiologist will also be speaking together with Natalie Trice from Spica Warrior and Emma Morley from Steps both of whom have personal experiences with the condition and work in the field. There will also be the opportunity for networking as well as Q and A Panel sessions.

Tina Gambling, Director of Postgraduate Research at Cardiff University, said, “At Hip Pain Cardiff we are committed to improving the lives of children, young people and adults with DDH (Hip Dysplasia). This event is an opportunity to bring together our key stakeholders and find out what they want so we can then use our research to influence positive change with the Government and health service policy.”

Natalie Trice, Founder of Spica Warrior, the UK’s only dedicated DDH charity, commented, “I am delighted to be an expert speaker at this much needed event. My sister, two cousins and son have DDH so I know only too well the effects it can have on the patient and wider family. We believe increased awareness of DDH can help with early diagnosis and prevent lives being blighted by arthritis, immobility and hip replacements. We are looking forward to working with Hip Pain Cardiff to drive forward change and reform and see this event as the first step in that process.”

“It is disheartening that we get still get so many adults referred to us for surgery when with one screening test this condition could almost disappear”, further added John O’Hara Consultant Surgeon Royal Orthopaedic Hospital Birmingham

 For more details about the event, details about attendance funding and to book tickets go to http://www.hippaincardiff.com

How Strength Training Can Prevent Sarcopenia

What is the impact of Sarcopenia?

What is the impact of Sarcopenia?

We are bombarded with so much conflicting information when it comes to health. We all know that we are mortal beings, but what we are not certain about is what adds to our longevity? Some people can’t have peace in their 50s and 60s due to various health issues. On the other hand, we hear about those who managed to finish a marathon or maintain a chiseled body in their 80s. What does this mean? Well, the experiences and lifestyles of these people can teach us that Sarcopenia can be prevented through fitness and regular physical exercise.

What is Sarcopenia?

Sarcopenia is a medical condition that signifies the decline of health. In other words, it is a sign of aging that includes a slow and gradual loss of muscle and skeletal mass after the age of 30. Sarcopenia affects all of us, not as a pathological change (syndrome or disease), but rather as a natural physiological change. The effects of Sarcopenia can be suppressed through strength training, enabling us to maximize our vitality.

Muscle Density

We lose more than half of our muscle mass by the time we reach our seventies. This explains why we easily get tired and feel weak as we grow older. Strength training will help you keep your muscles dense and active (and slow down the bone loss process), preventing the occurrence of Sarcopenia. According to a study conducted by the Northern Ireland Centre for Diet and Health (University of Ulster), for which 131 premenopausal and 82 postmenopausal women volunteered, the results showed that the relationship between relative skeletal muscle index (RSMI), bone mineral density (BMD) and the risk of osteoporosis can be very well mediated through participation in physical activities. The women who took part in this study noticed significant improvement of their hips and spine after the one-year strength-training program. The levels of testosterone, which is crucial for boosting metabolic activity and building lean mass, are on the increase with people who lift weights, which is another reason to master the deadlift and bench press.

Bone Density

During midlife, bone loss speeds up for both men and women. It is an unavoidable natural occurrence, so it’s something that you shouldn’t be scared of. However, you can fight it and postpone its effects. When it comes to bone density, male and female bodies differ. Men have a larger skeleton, thus bone loss starts later and progresses slowly. On the other hand, most women go through a period of rapid hormonal changes when they experience a significant and sharp drop in their estrogen levels. It is said that women, aged 65 to 70, who suffer a fracture around the hip-joint are more likely to die within a year than women of the same age who did not suffer a fracture.

Diet and Strength Training

A necessary part in the battle against Sarcopenia is diet. It enables us to improve our results and endure hardships by supplying our body with the best possible nutrients. Protein is the building block of a muscle. Therefore, have an adequate intake of protein every day so your muscles can regenerate.

As for creating your strength training program, there are two essential types of training – aerobic and resistance. Aerobic training, although great for flexibility, is not enough for preserving health of an aging adult. For completing the “age-defying” program you must perform resistance exercises. In this way, you will improve your posture, bone strength, and immune response. Find a training routine that suits you best in order to prepare your body against gradual degeneration.

Digital Health

Even though laziness is among the top “syndromes” today, caused by the digital revolution and high-tech gadgets that have seduced people, it can also help you live right and be active. There are various health and fitness apps that help you track your health and training progress and design your own exercising routine, as well as apps for exercise motivation. Laziness is a condition that can be treated much easier than Sarcopenia and it all depends on our perspective of it and the way we use these apps and gadgets.

Staying motivated to work out regularly, especially when you reach the old age, can be a problem. Some people simply need a little push in order to activate themselves and start working out, to maintain their health. If you are a 60-year-old reading this article, you wouldn’t be here if there wasn’t for technology, would you? Create a training and nutrition program, get on the course, and start moving. It will do you good.

The Alexander Technique – How can help with overall health?

What is the Alexander Technique?

What is the Alexander Technique?

[Original article on NHS Choices website]

The Alexander technique teaches improved posture and movement, which is believed to help reduce and prevent problems caused by unhelpful habits.

During a number of lessons you’re taught to be more aware of your body, how to improve poor posture and move more efficiently.

Teachers of the Alexander technique believe this helps get rid of tension in your body and relieves problems such as back pain, neck ache, sore shoulders and other musculoskeletal problems.

Evidence suggests the technique has the potential to improve certain health conditions, but there are some claims made about the technique that haven’t been scientifically tested (see Does it work? below).

Key principles

The main principles of the Alexander technique are:

  • “how you move, sit and stand affects how well you function”
  • “the relationship of the head, neck and spine is fundamental to your ability to function optimally”
  • “becoming more mindful of the way you go about your daily activities is necessary to make changes and gain benefit”
  • “the mind and body work together intimately as one, each constantly influencing the other”

Teachers of the technique say that conditions such as backache and other sorts of long-term pain are often the result of misusing your body over a long period of time, such as moving inefficiently and standing or sitting with your weight unevenly distributed.

The aim of the Alexander technique is to help you “unlearn” these bad habits and achieve a balanced, more naturally aligned body.

Learning the Alexander technique

The Alexander technique is taught by a qualified teacher (see Finding a teacher below for information about training) in one-to-one lessons.

Lessons often take place in a studio, clinic or the teacher’s house and usually last 30-45 minutes. You’ll be asked to wear loose-fitting, comfortable clothing so you’re able to move easily.

The teacher will observe your movements and show you how to move, sit, lie down and stand with better balance and less strain. They’ll use their hands to gently guide you in your movements, help you maintain a better relationship between your head, neck and spine, and to release muscle tension.

You’ll need to attend a number of lessons to learn the basic concepts of the Alexander technique. Often, around 20 or more weekly lessons are recommended.

Teachers of the technique say you may see an improvement in aches and pains fairly soon after starting the lessons, but that you need to be committed to putting what you learn into practice and it may take a considerable amount of time to see the full benefits.

The overall aim is to help you gain an understanding of the main principles involved so you can apply them to everyday life, allowing you to benefit from the technique without the need for frequent ongoing lessons.

Does it work?

Proponents of the Alexander technique often claim it can help people with a wide range of health conditions. Some of these claims are supported by scientific evidence, but some have not yet been properly tested.

There’s evidence suggesting the Alexander technique can help people with:

  • long-term back pain – lessons in the technique may lead to reduced back pain-associated disability and reduce how often you feel pain for up to a year or more
  • long-term neck pain – lessons in the technique may lead to reduced neck pain and associated disability for up to a year or more
  • Parkinson’s disease – lessons in the technique may help you carry out everyday tasks more easily and improve how you feel about your condition

If you have one of these conditions and are considering trying the Alexander technique, it’s a good idea to speak to your GP or specialist first to check if it might be suitable for you.

Some research has also suggested the Alexander technique may improve general long-term pain, stammering and balance skills in elderly people to help them avoid falls. But the evidence in these areas is limited and more studies are needed.

There’s currently little evidence to suggest the Alexander technique can help improve other health conditions, including asthma, headaches, osteoarthritis, difficulty sleeping (insomnia) and stress.

Availability and regulation

Alexander technique lessons are mostly available privately. Each lesson usually costs around £35-50.

However, in recent years some NHS trusts have started to offer Alexander technique lessons as part of their outpatient pain clinics. Ask your GP whether it’s available through the NHS in your local area.

Finding a teacher

If you’re thinking about trying the Alexander technique, it’s important to choose a teacher who’s experienced and qualified.

There aren’t currently any laws or regulations stating what training someone must have to teach the Alexander technique. Professional organisations offer courses (often for three years) and membership upon successful completion of the course.

Teachers must meet certain requirements to register with these organisations and agree to comply with their code of ethics.

In the UK, the main organisations for teachers of the Alexander technique are the:

Of these, only the CHNC has been accredited by the Professional Standards Authority.

Risks and limitations

For most people, Alexander technique lessons are safe and pose no health risks. No manipulation of your body is involved, just gentle touch.

However, the technique may not be suitable for certain people, such as those with:

  • a specific spinal injury
  • severe pain from a herniated (ruptured) disc
  • severe ss (narrowing of the spine)
  • a fracture of the vertebrae (the bones in the spine)

In such cases, specialist medical treatment will be needed.

It’s important to remember that most teachers of the Alexander technique aren’t medical professionals. They do not diagnose, offer advice on or treat conditions that should be managed by a suitably qualified mainstream healthcare professional.

Osteoporosis – What foods might help with the prevention of osteoporosis?

As I may have mentioned before quite a few people in my family suffer from osteoporosis.

Si I felt it would be of value to share a few tips and ideas with my readers on how food (and diet) can help prevent osteoporosis.


From Visually.

Signs You Need to Seek Out Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic Care

There are a number of things a person has to do to keep themselves in great shape. With all of the different factors that go into maintaining a high level of well-being, you will have to make sure you devote the right amount of time to it. If you are able to follow the warning signs your body gives, you will be able to address your health issues as they arise. One of the best ways to feel better in your daily life is by having routine chiropractic care. The following are a few signs you need to schedule an appointment with your chiropractor.

Noticeable Pain in Joints and Muscles

If you start to notice that the pain you feel in your joints and muscles is becoming more severe and frequent, then you will need to call in a chiropractor to give you some help. The more stress you put on your muscles and joints on a daily basis, the higher your level of pain and discomfort will be. By getting the treatments you need, you will be able to alleviate this pain and discomfort and get on with your life.

Sedentary Job Life

Another sign you need to call on a professional chiropractor for help is having a job that requires you to remain still for more than 8 eight hours a day. This level of inactivity can start to weaken the muscles you have and create a number of different issues for you. By taking proactive measures, you will be able to avoid injuries which are caused by having weakened muscles. The chiropractor you see will be able to let you know what you can do to combat the weakened muscles you have and reduce injuries in the process.

Trauma from an Accident

One of the worst experiences a person can be involved in is being involved in an accident. There are a number of different injuries that can be caused by this type of situation and getting treatment for them should be a top priority. If you are experiencing aches and pains well after the accident has happened, then you will have to get some professional help. By visiting a chiropractor, you will be able to get the relief you need to back to a normal way of life. Make sure to do some research in your area before choosing the chiropractor to use.

Choosing the right chiropractic health centre is a big part of getting the right care. Taking the time to weigh the options in an area will help a person make the right decision.