August is National Immunization Awareness Month #NIAM14 Why not share on Facebook and Twitter!

National Immunization Awareness Month

National Immunization Awareness Month

The National Public Health Information Coalition (NPHIC) each August run National Immunization Awareness Month. One of the best structured medical education and awareness months they have produced a range of useful material which we would like to share with our readers.

Please use the hashtag #NIAM14 to help promote the month on social media!

They say “The purpose of this observance is to highlight the importance of immunizations, one of the top 10 public health accomplishments of the 20th Century, according to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC).

While immunizations have significantly reduced the incidence of many serious infectious diseases, vaccination rates for some diseases are not meeting national public health goals. And we need to remind people that immunizations aren’t just for children. They are needed throughout our lifetime.

The National Public Health Information Coalition (NPHIC) has assembled this NIAM communication toolkit with assistance from CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases. The toolkit is designed to help public health information officers, immunization program managers, health care professionals, coalitions, advocates and partner organizations work together to communicate about the importance of immunizations during August.

Three messages are central throughout the toolkit:
• Vaccines are an important step in protecting against serious, and sometimes deadly, diseases.
• Vaccines are recommended throughout our lives.
• A strong provider recommendation is one of the best ways to ensure patients get the vaccinations they need when they need them.

The toolkit is structured to highlight the importance of immunizations for a different population each week of the month:
• Week 1: A Healthy Start: (babies from birth to age 2 and pregnant women)
• Week 2: Back to School (children, pre-teens and teens to age18)
• Week 3: Off to the Future (young adults age 19-26)
• Week 4: Not Just for Kids: (adults age 26+)

Yopu can read up more about the months events here.

Spinal Muscular Atrophy Awareness – Check out Donnee Spencer’s brilliant awareness raising butterfly.

Spinal Muscular Atrophy Awareness

Spinal Muscular Atrophy Awareness

As you may recall a couple of days ago we shared some information about a new film about Noel Ratapu a New Zealander with Muscular Atrophy. You can watch the film and find out more about Muscular Atrophy here.

We are delighted to share Donnee Spencer’s brilliant awareness raising butterfly. It would be great if you would share this with as many people as possible.

World MS Trend Day 31st July 2014 – get involved in a social media campaign to raise awareness of the need for a cure for Multiple Sclerosis

World MS Trend Day

World MS Trend Day

So what is World MS Trend Day?

Simple the aim is to get the hashtag #curems to trend on Twitter on July 31st 2014.

That is it. You can use social media like Facebook or Twitter to raise awareness of the need for a cure for MS by just using the #curems in all your posts on that day.

You might also wish to post this page to help us with this important campaign.

Thanks very much in advance.

#worldmstrendday #curems

July is National Cleft & Craniofacial Awareness & Prevention Month – Find out how you can help here!

National Cleft & Craniofacial Awareness & Prevention Month

National Cleft & Craniofacial Awareness & Prevention Month

The Cleft Palate Foundation have very kindly given permission to use their press release as a way of raising awareness of National Cleft & Craniofacial Awareness & Prevention Month.

They say “In the United States, approximately one of every 600 newborn babies is born with a cleft lip and/or cleft palate. This July, over 20 organizations committed to craniofacial care will engage in activities promoting National Cleft and Craniofacial Awareness and Prevention Month.

“Clefts of the lip and palate are the number one birth defect worldwide according to the World Health Organization,” said Marilyn Cohen, President of the Cleft Palate Foundation, “And other craniofacial conditions often affect children throughout the world. This national month of awareness provides an opportunity to discuss facial differences, the treatment options available to individuals, and the prevention of craniofacial defects.”

Occurring in about 7,000 infants per year in the U.S., a cleft lip or palate is created when the tissue that makes up the upper lip or the roof of the mouth does not join together completely during pregnancy, leaving an opening. Although clefts are usually repaired surgically in the first year of life, many children need additional surgeries and treatments as they get older to improve problems with breathing, hearing, or speech and language development. Those born with cleft lip or palate also tend to require special dental or orthodontic care throughout their lives.

The causes of orofacial clefts are mostly unknown, resulting from changes in the child’s genes before birth. Recently, CDC found that women who smoke during pregnancy or are diagnosed with diabetes before pregnancy have an increased risk of having a child with a cleft. CDC also found that women who use certain medicines to treat epilepsy, such as topiramate or valproic acid, during the first trimester (the first 3 months) of pregnancy also have an increased risk. Craniofacial birth defects range in severity and affect the head and face in a variety of ways. Specific information about causes and treatment for clefts and other craniofacial birth defects in the U.S. is available through the Cleft Palate Foundation. ”

You can read more about Cleft & Craniofacial Awareness & Prevention Month here.

Psoriasis Awareness – I support Psoriasis Awareness

Psoriasis Awareness

Psoriasis Awareness

In the case of an old friend from university his psoriasis is triggered by stress. While mild it can still cause him serious discomfort.

Which is why I’ve decided to publish this brilliant psoriasis awareness butterfly from Donnee Spencer.

It would be great if you could like and share to help us raise awareness of psoriasis.

If you have any useful links regarding psoriasis and Psoriatic arthritis please feel free to share in the comments section below.

Thanks in advance.