Pilates for Multiple Sclerosis, CFS, chronic pain and fibromyalgia

Pilates for MS, CFS, chronic pain and fibromyalgia | NHS - YouTube

This video demonstrates exercises that are suitable for those with MS, CFS, chronic pain and fibromyalgia.

This 30-minute class includes gentle strength and flexibility exercises to relieve tension in the body and improve mobility. You may want to have a chair near you to help you lower yourself to the floor, and a mat to lie on.

Regular pilates practice can help improve posture, muscle tone, balance and joint mobility, as well as relieve stress and tension.

These fitness videos have been created by InstructorLive and range from 10 to 45 minutes. Please note that these videos are recorded sessions of previously live webcasts.

If you’re recovering from an injury or have a health condition, speak to a GP before following these classes.

FIBROMYALGIA – Food Choices & Nutraceutical Options

Image result for -***FIBROMYALGIA 2021*** - Food Choices & Nutraceutical Options | El Paso, Tx

Welcome to our newest edition of the Functional Medicine Podcasts. In this episode, Dr. Alex Jimenez, Master Nutritionist Ana Paola Rodriguez Arciniega, and Senior Health Coach Kenna Lee Vaughn discuss Fibromyalgia, Food Choices, Nutraceutical options, Physiology, the nutritional components, and many other factors that will help us better understand this topic.