Bent-Over Dumbbell Row – 5 Reasons To Do, Variations Of The Exercise

What Is Row: Exercise Basics

There are many exercises on the back, all of them are performed in the form of row movements and are divided into horizontal and vertical. According to the principle of influence on the muscles, they can be divided into basic and isolation ones, the former include exercises with free weights and some options on simulators, the latter include all work on simulators, including pullover.

So the dumbbell row refers to the basic exercises, as it allows you to work with large weights and involves several muscle groups.

When performing the exercise, all the muscles of the back are involved:

  • Lats;
  • Small and large;
  • Rhomboid;

And auxiliary muscles are also included in the work:

  • Biceps;
  • Trapeze
  • Back deltas;

The bent-over dumbbell row can be performed in two versions – with one arm and simultaneously with two. The first option can be attributed to a more basic one, since, with the correct technique, this exercise is not inferior to the row, which after pull is considered the best basic exercise on the back. The second option can be classified as isolation and honestly, it is less popular because it does not allow working with large weights and requires more coordination of movements.

This exercise will be effective for training the back not only for men, but also for girls, so it can be performed with small dumbbells.

If you want a base – pull a heavy dumbbell with one hand, you need detailed work – work with both hands with a small weight, but in a large number of repetitions.

Incline Dumbbell Row – 5 Reasons To Do The Exercise

The dumbbell row with one arm is very effective and most importantly a universal exercise for working out the back muscles and there are a number of reasons for this:

  • Availability. This is the first and main reason for the popularity of this exercise since it allows you to build decent muscle volumes, give the back a V-shape without the use of any simulators or bars. And the dumbbells themselves are sold in any sports store, which allows you to successfully train your back at home.
  • Basic. One-handed draft of a dumbbell refers to basic exercises on the back, and in some cases is not inferior to a similar version of a barbell exercise. And we know that basic exercises give the greatest impetus to the growth of muscle mass.
  • Sighting. When working with dumbbells, there is the possibility of a filigree work of each half of the back separately, which favorably distinguishes this exercise from others. The alternate option allows you to stretch the back muscles as much as possible, which positively affects their growth and detail, and also eliminates the problem of imbalances in the development of the latter.
  • Safety. Unlike the rod pull to the belt, the dumbbell variant is considered safer, since when the knee rests on the bench, the harmful load is removed from the lower part of the spine and knee joints. At the same time, you can use read about Rexogin on website, so you can also work with a lot of weight, which gives a huge bonus to exercise, especially for people with injuries to the back or knees.
  • Suitable for women. Women can also do dumbbell row, as there is the possibility of load variability, because it is sometimes difficult for an untrained woman to work with an empty bar, and here you can choose dumbbells from 1 kg. Also, this exercise gives the female back a beautiful shape, which looks especially impressive in a dress with a slit in the back.

Dumbbell Row Form, Correct Technique And Variations

The dumbbell row can be performed in several ways and each of them has its own characteristics and advantages.

Kneeling Dumbbell Single Arm Row: Proper Form And Features

The option with the knee on the bench is the classic and most common way of doing the exercise. In this case, the body takes an angle of inclination close to horizontal, respectively, the back muscles are worked out in this plane. This version of the exercise is the safest and is designed to be performed in strict technique, which imposes certain restrictions on the choice of working scales.

Execution technique

  • Take a starting position with the knee on the bench.
  • Put your hand against the bench with the same hand, the body should be in a horizontal position.
  • Pull the other leg back along the bench and press it firmly against the floor.
  • Bend slightly in the lumbar spine.
  • As you exhale, with a powerful movement, lift the dumbbell from the floor to the lower abdomen. When moving, the body must be fixed, rotation occurs only in the shoulder joint.
  • Gently lower the dumbbell down, feeling and stretching the muscles of the back, without touching the floor.

Standing Row Features And Technique

Dumbbell row can also be performed in standing position. This variation of the exercise is more difficult, as it allows you to use cheating and thereby work with decent weights. We recommend working in this style when this exercise is used as the main base for the back.

Execution technique

  • Stand at the bar with dumbbells or another version of the support (bench for benches, table, etc.) and assume the starting position. The hand rests firmly on the support, the hind leg is extended along and rests on the floor, the front supporting leg is slightly bent at the knee joint.
  • Take the dumbbell from the support or floor and as you exhale, pull it toward the waist with an explosive movement.
  • Gently and controllably lower the dumbbell down.
  • When reading, try not to rotate the body, but to pull the dumbbell with the back muscles, it is allowed to slightly help the body at the beginning of the movement to give a starting impulse to the movement, the rest of the movement should be performed due to the tension of the back muscles.
  • When working on large scales, it is recommended to use straps.

The previous two options provided for the execution of dumbbell traction in a tilt with one hand, in this case, we pull simultaneously with both hands. There can be two options for doing the exercise – standing on bent legs and resting the chest against the bench.

Execution technique

  • Take the starting position, for this, take dumbbells, lean forward, and bend the legs slightly in the knee joints.
  • The back should be slightly bent in the lumbar region, the whole body is tense and forms a single, solid frame.
  • On inspiration, we pull both dumbbells to the belt, on exhalation we return to the starting position.

Dumbbell Incline Row: How Many Reps And Sets

As we said earlier, you can perform dumbbell row in the basic and isolation version, that is, with one hand alternately or simultaneously with two. Depending on the style of the exercise, the intensity of the load changes.

In order to develop strength and gain muscle mass, men are recommended to perform dumbbell traction in the basic version, with one hand with support in the dumbbell row. In this embodiment, the optimal mode will be 6-10 reps in 3-4 sets.

In order for constant progress, it is recommended to alternate the mode of sets and repetitions, work for a large number of repetitions for one week, and perform strength work in a non-repetitive mode for another.

For girls, you can use both versions of the exercise, but the priority should be the option with one-handed traction. To work out your back effectively, you can alternate the style of the exercise, for example, do dumbbell traction with one hand for one week, pull it simultaneously with two next week. In the first case, work for 10-12 reps in 3-4 sets, in the second for 12-15 reps in 4-5 sets.

Whatever exercise you choose and in whatever style you perform, the mere fact that you are reading this article is a big plus. Since being in shape and having a beautiful and strong body today is not just a trend, but a real necessity.

Revealed: 10 Fitness Items Bought Most in Lockdown

Exercise for older women

On average, more than 180,000 people a month type “home workout” into the Google search bar. Of course, working out at home has grown exponentially in lockdown as gyms and leisure facilities remain closed.

Interested in the fitness habits of Brits in lockdown, sought to find out what fitness equipment has been bought most in the last 90 days and how often we are really using it! Plus, the golf experts spoke with Robert Leat, online trainer at Robert Leat Fitness, for exclusive tips on how to stay motivated working out at home. surveyed 3,446 British people and found:

  • 61% of Brits have bought fitness equipment in lockdown
  • Yoga Mats, Dumbbells and Resistance Bands are the three most purchased items
  • Brits name keeping fit (80%), closed gyms (50%) and TikTok (23%) as their biggest workout inspirations
  • Almost 40% of Brits admit they RARELY use the fitness equipment they have bought
  • Brits blame skipping workouts on laziness (52%), not knowing technique (23%) and distractions (19%)

The most popular fitness equipment bought in lockdown is:

Equipment % Brits that have bought it in lockdown
Yoga Mat 46%
Dumbbells 42%
Resistance Bands 42%
Kettlebell 17%
Yoga Strap 13%
Barbell 8%
Balance Ball 8%
TRX Bands 8%
Yoga Block 4%
Weighted Jump Rope 4%

Not only do 204,190 Brits Google it on average each month, but can reveal the humble Yoga Mat is the fitness equipment bought most in lockdown! In fact,46% of Brits surveyed admitted they had bought a Yoga Mat in the last 90 days. While other blossoming yogis went one step further to purchase a Yoga Strap (8%) and Yoga Block (4%.)

Dumbbells and Resistance Bands tie in second place for the most popular fitness equipment bought in lockdown (42%), while Brits keen to perfect their swing place Kettlebell (17%) in third.  

HOWEVER, can reveal, while the 10 items listed above have been bought most, some items have been used more than others…

Most Frequently Used Equipment (at least 3 times a week on average) Least Frequently Used Equipment (at least once a week on average or not at all)
Dumbbells Yoga Block
Barbell Balance Ball
Kettlebell Yoga Strap
Resistance Bands TRX Bands
Yoga Mat Weighted Jump Rope

Bearing this in mind, asked Robert Leat, online trainer at Robert Leat Fitness, to share 9 top tips on how to stay motivated working out at home.

“It can be difficult to stay motivated at home, it’s not the gym you are used to and there are lots of distractions, so why not give these 9 tips a go!”

1. Have a structured routine

Make sure to have a workout plan that you follow when you exercise that outlines what exercises to do, how many reps and sets etc. Try to do workouts at the same time and same day as this will help it to become a routine habit.

2. Make a dedicated space

Have a space in your home that is your “home gym” where you work out. For me, it’s the living room or garden (depending on the weather.) I’ve put my resistance bands and kettlebells downstairs so every time I walk In I am reminded about working out.

3. Stick it in your calendar

Treat doing a workout as an appointment with yourself. Write your workouts in the calendar like you do doctors’ appointments and work commitments.

4. Video call with friends

I am more likely to do a workout if I am doing it with someone else, so get creative with video calls.  Use something like Zoom, Google Hangouts or Houseparty and do a lockdown workout with your friends.

5. Crank up the music

Being at home means you can listen to whatever music you want as loud as you want, music is linked heavily to improved performance with exercise.

6. Just do a few minutes

Try doing just 5 minutes of exercise, or concentrating on just one exercise, and see how you feel. If you aren’t feeling it, end the workout there and try again later. Once you find your rhythm, extend by another 5 minutes as your fitness improves and build from there!

7. Find out what you enjoy doing

Figure out what type of exercise you enjoy and do more of that. It might be running, HIIT, bodyweight training or yoga. If you enjoy something you are more likely to want to do it.

8. Have a clear goal

Why are you exercising? How does it make you feel? What do you want to achieve and when by? Answer these questions and that will help you to stay motivated.

9. Hire a coach

If you are struggling, why not hire an online coach to work with you. An online coach will hold you accountable for your goals and help you to implement a workout programme that works for you. useful.


AS THE UK adjusts to life in lockdown, the Government’s ruling that we should only leave our homes once per day is making time spent outdoors increasingly precious.

Whilst many will choose to use this outing to nip to the shops, others may use the time to get some exercise in the great outdoors – but why not do both?

To explain how you can maximise your daily outing, Steven Virtue, Fitness Content and Programming Manager at Total Fitness, the North’s leading mid-market health club, reveals five tips to help you turn your daily trip to the shops into a fitness routine:

  1. Walk to the shops; don’t drive

It can be tempting to hop in the car to quickly nip out to the shops – especially if it’s a cold day or you’re planning on doing a large food shop – but walking to the shops is a great way of getting the blood pumping and the heart rate up. A 30-minute walk to the shops and back can help you burn between 90-200 calories. But not to worry if the shops really are too far to walk or your shopping will be too much to carry, simply park the car at the far end of the car park to get your step-count up. Every little counts.

  1. Load up a basket instead of a trolley

For a simple full body workout, opt for a basket in each hand. Carrying baskets around the shops rather than using a trolley can be a great way to build up your core strength, whilst working your legs and arms. The added weight of the baskets is a great little calorie burner and to increase the arm workout engage your biceps or even go for a full set of bicep curls with the basket. You’ll also feel the benefits in your glutes as you squat to put your baskets down while you peruse the shelves. This exercise also works as a fantastic deterrent for those with a tendency to stockpile, as the more items you pick up the harder the daily shop becomes!

  1. Take a backpack

Another great way to burn extra calories on your daily outing is to take a backpack. Fill your backpack with household items such as books or clothes until the backpack is heavy enough to make your trip to the shops feel like a workout. Carrying around the extra weight on your back will strengthen your core, back and leg muscles. You can even vary the weight on different days, depending on whether you want to break a light sweat or really feel the burn.

  1. Load your shopping bags

Load up your shopping bags in Farmers Carry. This exercise is a great one for building core strength and work capacity, and it also contributes toward great posture. Load up your shopping as equally as possible in each hand and walk with your shoulders slightly back whilst gently bracing your core. Focusing on keeping your body balanced all the way home will not only help build strength in the right areas, but also get your heart rate up slightly, ensuring you get some additional aerobic work. As you get stronger, make it more of a challenge and load up your back pack too.

  1. Head out for a jog

Plenty of people have been using the lockdown as a good excuse to get out of the house and go for a walk more often, but why not step things up even further and try a light jog or run? You can extend your trip to the shops by mapping out a route for yourself that ends at the supermarket. If you’re new to jogging then be sure to have a good stretch before you start as this will help you avoid injuries and just go at your own pace. Once you’ve arrived at the supermarket, the frozen food isle will be the perfect cool down!

Total Fitness is the leading mid-market health club in the north and provides more ways to get fit, stay in shape, and more support to keep members focused. With 17 health clubs across the North of England and Wales, Total Fitness provides a full-service fitness offering; guided by knowledgeable and supportive fitness teams, the brand works hard to meet the individual needs of its members.

For more information, please visit:

LOCKDOWN: Which Indoor Activities Burn the Most Calories?

Charlotte Crosby dresses as an Angel and Devil as research by Hartley’s 10 Cal Jelly Pots finds that women have more willpower than men, with 3m men giving up New Year diets on 5th January, compared to women who are most likely to wobble on the 14th January. Hartley’s 10 Cal Jelly Pots contain just 10 calories each and are a great way to satisfy a sweet craving.
  • Dancing is one of the best ways to burn calories and stay active during quarantine.
  • Dancing video games are a fun way to burn tons of calories (240 in 30 minutes).
  • Gardening can not only provide mental health benefits; it’s also quite efficient at burning calories – chopping wood and felling trees burn about 150 and 177 calories respectively.

With thousands of people in lockdown all over the world and many more expected to be over the coming weeks – is thinking about those who want to keep active while homebound.

Using the Calories Burned Calculator, homebound activities have been ranked according to how many calories they help burn. The best activities to do in quarantine can be revealed below!

Best homebound activities for quarantined people who want to stay active:

Homebound Activity Calories Burned per 30 minutes
  Men Women
Video game, dancing 240 209
Dancing (Cumbia) 217 189
Jazzercise 200 175
Felling trees 177 154
Dancing (Ballet, Modern, Jazz) 167 145
Dancing (Salsa, Flamenco, Swing) 150 131
Chopping wood 150 131
Juggling 134 116
Home exercise 127 111
Video game, aerobic 127 111
Home repair 117 102
Cleaning/household tasks 110 96
Dancing (Tango, Mambo, Cha-Cha) 100 87
Light yard work 100 87
Wii fit 77 67
TV/video aerobics 77 67
Washing car 67 59
Sex 60 53
Meditating 33 29

Dancing video games are the best way to stay and active and lose weight while in lockdown. Just 30 minutes of playing a dancing video game will burn 240 calories for men and 209 for women!

In fact, dancing is the best thing you can do to keep active while in quarantine. Cumbia (217/189 calories), Jazzercise (200/175 calories), Ballet, Modern, Jazz, (167 calories), and Salsa, Flamenco, Swing (150/131 calories) are 5 of the 6 best homebound calorie burning activities.

Those who enjoy gardening will be happy to hear that felling trees (177/154 calories) and chopping wood (150/131 calories) are two of the best calorie-burning activities to do while homebound. However, light yard work only burns about 100 calories for men and 87 for women per 30 minutes.

If you thought sex could keep you fit while in quarantine, think again! Men can only expect to burn about 60 calories in 30 minutes while women will do away with about 53. This is about the same amount of calories you’d spend washing your car.

Please see the full study here.

Varidesk Pro Plus 36 – a 5 star solution to improving health and productivity in the workplace.

Height-Adjustable Standing Desk - VARIDESK Pro Plus 36 - Black

In January of last year my wife had had enough of me wandering through the house complaining of my muscles aching. (Indeed they made a very unsatisfying crack when I entered the bath).  Her solution was to send me to a flexibility class at our local wellness centre.

I underwent six weeks of hell under the tuition of a Norwegian hippie who had spent the last thirty years either in the gym, doing yoga or eating in a sensible fashion.  She was fine but I was a mess as she worked out my knotted muscles.  And there was one bit of advice that she gave me. “Get a standing desk”.

So I did.  It took about two months to get used to; but once I was up and running I was happy to do standing all that I used  to do sitting.  According to the boffins we burn 50 calories per hour when standing at your desk.  Not just that it can help lower the risk of cardio-vascular disease.  So standing at your desk for at least part of the day has to be part of everyone’s wellness programme.  (Well those of us who work at desks as opposed to people cycling the Tour de France for a living).

Over the last 18 months I have found using a standing desk has been very beneficial.  It has improved my flexibility and a lot of the aches and pains have disappeared.  In fact I have started to bore people at parties about the virtues of standing desks.

So a couple of weeks ago I was asked to review the Varidesk Pro Plus 36.  As the name suggests this is a desk (or rather an add-on to your current desk) which can be made into either a sitting or a standing desk.  As you can see from the photograph when fully extended it can add around 50cm to the height of your workspace.  Given its multilayers you end up (or at least I do) with about 50% more overall desk space.  Moving from sitting to standing takes moving two levers and a couple of seconds of your time.

When the package arrived I was slightly concerned as to how I was going to assemble it.  I’ll ‘fess up that my wife has told me that I’m fairly cack-handed when it goes to assembling furniture.  So you can imagine the wreaths of smiles on my face when I realise that it had been pre-assembled and took no more than 30 seconds to set up on my desk.  Very stable it can fit two monitors and a laptop with easy so you won’t have to worry that it won’t fit all your gadgets.

In fact it gives you the feel that you are captaining your own star ship – which for me makes it cheap at twice the price if you are a nerd like me.  It also makes taking a break easier which is good for your eyesight and fatigue levels.

Are these any down sides?  Well it is so easy to use that I’ve worked suiting down for a few hours this week but again you can move it up so fast and because it is so stable at no risk to your kit.  So there is always the temptation to make the Varidesk do what it says on the tin – that is be of variable height.  But this does mean it is great for people getting into using standing desk for the first time. 

That being said you will also need to purchase a standing mat which (see photo of below) this makes it much easier on the joints standing for a whole day at your desk.

VARIDESK TheMat 36™ Overhead

I have to say that when I first saw the price of £345 I considered it a bit excessive but after using it for 10m days I can honestly say that this will replay the cost both in improved productivity in the short term and improved health in the longer run.

If you are thinking about getting one (and I do think you should) then drop into to the Varidesk website here.  You won’t be disappointed.