A new study has found that factors beyond carbohydrates substantially influence blood glucose levels, meaning current automated insulin delivery systems miss vital information required for glucose regulation.
A team of researchers from the University of Bristol analysing automated insulin delivery data from people with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) discovered that unexpected patterns in insulin needs are just as common as well-established ones.
The study, published today in JMIRx Med, aimed to identify patterns in insulin needs changes and analyse how frequently these occur in people with T1D who use OpenAPS, a state-of-the-art automated insulin delivery system (AID).
Lead author Isabella Degen from Bristol’s Faculty of Science and Engineering explained: “The results support our hypothesis that factors beyond carbohydrates play a substantial role in euglycemia – when blood glucose levels are within the standard range.
“However, without measurable information about these factors, AID systems are left to adjust insulin cautiously with the effect of blood glucose levels becoming too low or high.”
Type 1 Diabetes is a chronic condition in which the body produces too little insulin, a hormone that regulates blood glucose.
The principal treatment for T1D is insulin that is injected or pumped. The amount and timing of insulin must be skilfully matched to carbohydrate intake to avoid increased blood glucose levels. Beyond carbohydrates, other factors such as exercise, hormones, and stress impact insulin needs. However, how often these factors cause significant unexpected effects on blood glucose levels has been little explored, meaning that despite all advances, insulin dosing remains a complex task that can go wrong and result in blood glucose levels outside the range that protects people with T1D from adverse health effects.
The findings highlight the complexity of glucose regulation in T1D and demonstrate the heterogeneity in insulin needs among people with T1D, underlining the need for personalised treatment approaches.
For factors beyond carbohydrates to become more systematically included in clinical practice, scientists need to find a way to measure and quantify their impact and use this information in insulin dosing. This could also aid more accurate blood glucose forecasting, which the study showed is not consistently possible from information about insulin and carbohydrates alone.
Isabella added: “Our study highlights that managing Type 1 Diabetes is far more complex than counting carbs.
“The richness of insights that can be gained from studying automated insulin delivery data is worth the effort it takes to work with this type of real-life data.
“What surprised us most was the sheer variety of patterns we observed, even within our relatively small and homogenous group of participants.
“It’s clear that when it comes to diabetes management, one size doesn’t fit all.
“We hope our results inspire further research into lesser-explored factors that influence insulin needs to improve insulin dosing.”
The team is now advancing time series pattern-finding methods to handle real-life medical data’s diverse and complex nature, including irregular sampling and missing data. Their current focus is on developing innovative segmentation and clustering techniques for multivariate time series data tailored to uncover more granular patterns and handle the challenges AID data poses.
To support this future research, the team seeks long-term, open-access AID datasets that include a wide range of sensor measurements of possible factors and a diverse cohort of people with T1D. Additionally, they aim to collaborate with time series and machine learning experts to address technical challenges such as handling irregularly sampled data with varying intervals between variables and uncovering causalities behind observed patterns, ultimately driving innovations in personalised care.
Chronic diseases such as diabetes are on the rise and are costly and challenging to treat. Whitehead Institute Member Richard Young and colleagues have discovered a common denominator driving these diverse diseases, which may prove to be a promising therapeutic target: Proteolethargy, or reduced protein mobility, in the presence of oxidative stress.
Jennifer Cook-Chrysos/Whitehead Institute
Chronic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes and inflammatory disorders like rheumatoid arthritis, significantly impact humanity. They are among the leading causes of disease burden and deaths worldwide, posing both physical and economic challenges. Furthermore, the number of individuals affected by these diseases is rising.
Treating chronic diseases has proven challenging because they do not have a single, straightforward cause, such as a specific gene mutation that a treatment could target. However, research conducted by Richard Young, a member of the Whitehead Institute, and his colleagues, published in the journal Cell on November 27, reveals that many chronic diseases may share a common factor driving their dysfunction: reduced protein mobility. This means that approximately half of the proteins active in cells tend to slow down their movement when the cells are in a chronic disease state, which diminishes the proteins’ functions. The researchers’ findings suggest that protein mobility could be a crucial factor in the decreased cellular function observed in chronic diseases, making it a promising target for therapy.
In this paper, Young and his colleagues, including postdoc Alessandra Dall’Agnese, graduate students Shannon Moreno and Ming Zheng, and research scientist Tong Ihn Lee, describe their discovery of a shared mobility defect they call proteolethargy. They explain the underlying causes of this defect, how it leads to cell dysfunction, and propose a new therapeutic hypothesis for treating chronic diseases.
“I’m excited about the potential impact of this research on patients,” says Dall’Agnese. “I hope this leads to the development of a new class of drugs that can restore protein mobility, which could help individuals with various diseases that share this common mechanism.”
According to Lee, this project involved biologists, physicists, chemists, computer scientists, and physician-scientists. “Bringing together this diverse expertise is a strength of the Young lab. By examining the problem from various perspectives, we gained valuable insights into how this mechanism might function and its potential to reshape our understanding of the pathology of chronic diseases.”
Commuter delays cause work stoppages in the cell
How do proteins moving slowly through a cell lead to significant cellular dysfunction? Dall’Agnese explains that every cell functions like a tiny city, with proteins acting as the workers who keep everything running smoothly. Proteins must travel through dense traffic within the cell, moving from where they are produced to where they are needed. The quicker their commute, the more efficient their work becomes. Now, imagine a city that starts experiencing traffic jams on all its roads. Stores may not open on time, groceries could get stuck in transit, and meetings might be postponed. Essentially, all operations within the city slow down.
The slowdown of cellular operations in cells with reduced protein mobility follows a similar pattern. Normally, most proteins move rapidly throughout the cell, colliding with other molecules until they find the one they need to interact with or affect. When a protein moves more slowly, it encounters fewer other molecules, making it less likely to perform its function effectively. Young and colleagues discovered that these slowdowns in protein movement result in measurable decreases in the proteins’ functional output. When numerous proteins are unable to complete their tasks on time, cells begin to face various issues, which are commonly observed in chronic diseases.
Discovering the protein mobility problem
Young and his colleagues first suspected that cells affected by chronic diseases might have issues with protein mobility after observing changes in the behaviour of the insulin receptor. The insulin receptor is a signalling protein that reacts to insulin’s presence, prompting cells to absorb sugar from the bloodstream. In individuals with diabetes, cells become less responsive to insulin, a condition known as insulin resistance, which leads to elevated blood sugar levels. In research published in Nature Communications in 2022, Young and his colleagues reported that the mobility of insulin receptors could be significant in the context of diabetes.
Knowing that many cellular functions are altered in diabetes, the researchers considered the possibility that altered protein mobility might somehow affect many proteins in cells. To test this hypothesis, they studied proteins involved in a broad range of cellular functions, including MED1, a protein involved in gene expression; HP1α, a protein involved in gene silencing; FIB1, a protein involved in the production of ribosomes; and SRSF2, a protein involved in splicing of messenger RNA. They used single-molecule tracking and other methods to measure how each of those proteins moves in healthy cells and in cells in disease states. All but one of the proteins showed reduced mobility (about 20-35%) in the disease cells.
“I’m excited that we were able to transfer physics-based insight and methodology, which are commonly used to understand the single-molecule processes like gene transcription in normal cells, to a disease context and show that they can be used to uncover unexpected mechanisms of disease,” Zheng says. “This work shows how the random walk of proteins in cells is linked to disease pathology.”
Moreno concurs: “In school, we’re taught to consider changes in protein structure or DNA sequences when looking for causes of disease, but we’ve demonstrated that those are not the only contributing factors. If you only consider a static picture of a protein or a cell, you miss out on discovering these changes that only appear when molecules are in motion.”
Can’t commute across the cell, I’m all tied up right now
Next, the researchers needed to determine what was causing the proteins to slow down. They suspected that the defect had to do with an increase in cells of the level of reactive oxygen species (ROS), molecules that are highly prone to interfering with other molecules and their chemical reactions. Many types of chronic-disease-associated triggers, such as higher sugar or fat levels, certain toxins, and inflammatory signals, lead to an increase in ROS, also known as an increase in oxidative stress. The researchers measured the mobility of the proteins again in cells that had high levels of ROS and were not otherwise in a disease state and saw comparable mobility defects, suggesting that oxidative stress was to blame for the protein mobility defect.
The final part of the puzzle was why some, but not all, proteins slow down in the presence of ROS. SRSF2 was the only one of the proteins that was unaffected in the experiments, and it had one clear difference from the others: its surface did not contain any cysteines, an amino acid building block of many proteins. Cysteines are especially susceptible to interference from ROS because it will cause them to bond with other cysteines. When this bonding occurs between two protein molecules, it slows them down because the two proteins cannot move through the cell as quickly as either protein alone.
About half of the proteins in our cells contain surface cysteines, so this single protein mobility defect can impact many different cellular pathways. This makes sense when one considers the diversity of dysfunctions that appear in the cells of people with chronic diseases: dysfunctions in cell signalling, metabolic processes, gene expression and gene silencing, and more. All of these processes rely on the efficient functioning of proteins—including the diverse proteins studied by the researchers. Young and colleagues performed several experiments to confirm that decreased protein mobility does, in fact, decrease a protein’s function. For example, they found that when an insulin receptor experiences decreased mobility, it acts less efficiently on IRS1, a molecule to which it usually adds a phosphate group.
From understanding a mechanism to treating a disease
Discovering that decreased protein mobility in the presence of oxidative stress could be driving many of the symptoms of chronic disease provides opportunities to develop therapies to rescue protein mobility. In the course of their experiments, the researchers treated cells with an antioxidant drug called N—acetyl cysteine—something that reduces ROS—and saw that this partially restored protein mobility.
The researchers are pursuing a variety of follow-ups to this work, including the search for drugs that safely and efficiently reduce ROS and restore protein mobility. They developed an assay that can be used to screen drugs to see if they restore protein mobility by comparing each drug’s effect on a simple biomarker with surface cysteines to one without. They are also looking into other diseases that may involve protein mobility, and are exploring the role of reduced protein mobility in aging.
“The complex biology of chronic diseases has made it challenging to come up with effective therapeutic hypotheses,” says Young, who is also a professor of biology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “The discovery that diverse disease-associated stimuli all induce a common feature, proteolethargy, and that this feature could contribute to much of the dysregulation that we see in chronic disease, is something that I hope will be a real game changer for developing drugs that work across the spectrum of chronic diseases.”
In the first systematic review, UC San Francisco researchers found that it helps with a variety of conditions, from obesity to migraine.
Public health recommendations generally suggest drinking eight cups of water a day. And many people assume it’s healthy to drink plenty of water.
Now, researchers at UC San Francisco have systematically reviewed the available evidence. They concluded that drinking enough water can help with weight loss and prevent kidney stones, as well as migraines, urinary tract infections, and low blood pressure.
“For such a ubiquitous and simple intervention, the evidence hasn’t been clear, and the benefits were not well-established, so we wanted to take a closer look,” said senior and corresponding author Benjamin Breyer, MD, MAS, the Taube Family Distinguished Professor and chair of the UCSF Department of Urology.
“The amount of rigorous research was limited, but in some specific areas, there was a statistically significant benefit,” Breyer said. “To our knowledge, this is the first study assessing the benefits of water consumption on clinical outcomes broadly.”
The researchers found the most evidence favouring drinking water to prevent kidney stones and help people lose weight.
Drinking eight cups of water daily significantly decreased the likelihood of getting another kidney stone.
Several studies found that drinking about six cups of water daily helped adults lose weight. However, a survey that included adolescents found that drinking more than eight cups of water daily had no effect.
Still, the authors said encouraging people to drink water before meals would be a simple and cheap intervention that could have huge benefits, given the increased prevalence of obesity.
Other studies indicated that water can help prevent migraines, control diabetes and low blood pressure, and prevent urinary tract infections.
Adults with recurrent headaches felt better after three months of drinking more water.
Drinking about four more cups of water a day helped diabetic patients whose blood glucose levels were elevated.
Drinking an additional six cups of water a day also helped women with recurrent urinary tract infections. It reduced the number of infections and increased the time between them.
Drinking more water helped young adults with low blood pressure.
“We know that dehydration is detrimental, particularly in someone with a history of kidney stones or urinary infections,” said Breyer, a UCSF Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics member. “On the other hand, someone who suffers from frequent urination at times may benefit from drinking less. There isn’t a one size fits all approach for water consumption.”
Individuals diagnosed with type 2 diabetes at a younger age face a greater risk of developing dementia compared to those diagnosed later in life, according to research conducted by experts at the NYU Rory Meyers College of Nursing.
“Our study indicates that early-onset type 2 diabetes may have cognitive consequences. It highlights the need for prevention strategies for dementia that take both diabetes and obesity into account,” said Xiang Qi, assistant professor at NYU Meyers and the study’s lead author.
Type 2 diabetes is a recognized risk factor for dementia. While the exact mechanisms behind this connection are not completely understood, researchers believe that certain characteristics of diabetes—such as high blood sugar levels, insulin resistance, and inflammation—may contribute to the onset of dementia in the brain.
Type 2 diabetes, once common among older adults, is now increasingly seen in younger individuals. Currently, one in five people with type 2 diabetes globally is under 40 years old.
To investigate how the timing of a type 2 diabetes diagnosis is associated with the risk of developing dementia, a research team analyzed data from the Health and Retirement Study, conducted by the University of Michigan Institute for Social Research. The study, published in PLOS ONE, included 1,213 U.S. adults aged 50 and older who had type 2 diabetes confirmed by blood tests and did not have dementia when they entered the study. The participants were followed for up to 14 years, during which 216 individuals (17.8%) developed dementia, as determined by follow-up telephone interviews.
The researchers found that adults diagnosed with type 2 diabetes at younger ages were at increased risk for developing dementia compared to those diagnosed at 70 years or older. Adults diagnosed with diabetes before age 50 were 1.9 times as likely to develop dementia as those diagnosed at 70 and older, while those diagnosed between 50-59 years were 1.72 times as likely and those diagnosed between 60-69 years were 1.7 times as likely.
Using linear trend tests, the researchers found a graded association between age at diagnosis and dementia risk: for each year younger a person is at the time of their type 2 diabetes diagnosis, their risk for developing dementia increases by 1.9%.
“While we do not know for sure why an earlier diabetes diagnosis would increase the risk for dementia, prior studies show that people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in mid-life may experience more vascular complications, poor blood sugar control, and insulin resistance—all of which are known risk factors for cognitive impairment,” said Bei Wu, the Dean’s Professor in Global Health and vice dean for research at NYU Meyers and the study’s senior author.
In addition, obesity appeared to influence the relationship between type 2 diabetes and dementia. Individuals with obesity who were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes before age 50 had the highest dementia risk in the study.
The researchers note that this greater understanding of the connection between diabetes onset, obesity, and dementia may help inform targeted interventions to prevent dementia.
“Our study highlights the importance of one’s age at diabetes diagnosis and suggests that specifically targeting obesity—whether through diet and exercise or perhaps medication—may play a role in staving off dementia in younger adults with diabetes,” said Wu.
According to new research, a low-fat vegan diet cuts food costs by 19%, or $1.80 per day, compared with a standard American diet that includes meat, dairy, and other animal products. The study also found that a Mediterranean diet costs 60 cents more per day. Total food costs on a vegan diet were 25% lower, $2.40 per day, compared with the Mediterranean diet.
“As grocery prices remain quite high, consumers might consider replacing meat and dairy products with a low-fat vegan diet of fruits, vegetables, grains, and beans. This change could potentially save more than $650 a year on grocery expenses compared to a standard American diet and over $870 compared to the Mediterranean diet,” says Hana Kahleova, MD, PhD, the lead author of the study and director of clinical research at the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. “Adopting a vegan diet can not only lead to financial savings but also improve health by reducing the risk or severity of conditions such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease.”
The decrease in costs on the vegan diet was mainly attributable to savings of $2.90 per day on meat, 50 cents per day on dairy products, and 50 cents per day on added fats. These savings outweighed the increased spending of 50 cents per day on vegetables, 30 cents per day on grains, and 50 cents on meat alternatives on the vegan diet.
The new research is a secondary analysis of a previous study by the Physicians Committee, which compared a low-fat vegan diet to a Mediterranean diet. In this study, participants were randomly assigned to follow either a low-fat vegan diet—which included fruits, vegetables, grains, and beans—or a Mediterranean diet, which emphasized fruits, vegetables, legumes, fish, low-fat dairy, and extra-virgin olive oil, for 16 weeks. There were no calorie restrictions for either group. After this phase, participants returned to their baseline diets for a four-week washout before switching to another diet for 16 weeks. The findings showed that the low-fat vegan diet resulted in better outcomes for weight, body composition, insulin sensitivity, and cholesterol levels compared to the Mediterranean diet.
For the food cost assessment, intakes from the study participants’ dietary records were linked to the U.S. Department of Agriculture Thrifty Food Plan, 2021, a database of national food prices, which are calculated from data collected for the consumer price index. The reduction in costs associated with a vegan diet primarily resulted from savings of $2.90 per day on meat, $0.50 per day on dairy products, and $0.50 per day on added fats. These savings exceeded the additional expenses of $0.50 per day on vegetables, $0.30 per day on grains, and $0.50 per day on meat alternatives. Overall, the vegan diet proved to be more economical.
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