‘Wear it Pink’ – how one hospital is promoting Breast Cancer Awareness month #WearitPink

Wear it Pink #wearitpink

Wear it Pink #wearitpink

As you may know October is Breast Cancer Awareness month.

Tomorrow on Friday 23 October, staff at Leicester’s Hospitals are invited to ‘Wear it Pink’ to raise money for the Breast Care Centre and promote national Breast Cancer Awareness month.

The Breast Care Centre at Glenfield Hospital, which opened in 1999, brings together the specialist staff required to provide breast care services across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.

As part of Breast Cancer Awareness month, staff are encouraged to wear something pink, whether an item of clothing or just an accessory, and donate a pound. All money raised will go into the Breast Care Butterfly Appeal through Leicester Hospitals Charity, to fund improvements to the department.

Amanda Gibby, General Manager for Breast Imaging at Leicester’s Hospitals, said: “Our Wear it Pink day on Friday [23 Oct] is a fantastic opportunity for staff to raise some money so we can improve the environment and care for our patients.”

Breast cancer is the leading cancer killer among women aged 20–59 years worldwide. Between August 2014 and July 2015, 6,800 women attended the Breast Care Centre at Glenfield concerned about symptoms. Not all symptoms are a result of breast cancer. In 2014, approximately 800 women in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland were diagnosed with breast cancer.

To find out how you can get involved why not check out the Wear it Pink web site here.

Please use the comments section below to share any photos of you wearing it pink!

Legal Options Available to Mesothelioma Victims

Legal Options Available to Mesothelioma Victims

Legal Options Available to Mesothelioma Victims

Mesothelioma, a rare yet toxic illness, is primarily caused by asbestos exposure, and in the majority of cases, asbestos exposure occurred at the workplace. If you or a loved one developed mesothelioma due to asbestos at the workplace or due to any other negligent party, there are legal options available that can help seek compensation to help cover your medical expenses, pain, suffering, and more.

Asbestos Trust Funds

Asbestos trust funds are funds set up by courts for companies that have had so many asbestos claims filed against them that they were ordered to set aside funds for pending and future asbestos-related lawsuits. Currently, there is over an estimated $30 billion in these funds, set up for mesothelioma victims and their loved ones.

To qualify for compensation via an asbestos trust fund, you (or a loved one) must have worked for or been contracted to work for a company that currently has an asbestos trust fund in place. Not all businesses have trust funds set up for asbestos cases, and if the company you worked for doesn’t currently have a trust fund, you will not qualify until they do.

Asbestos trust fund amounts will vary according to how much money is put into the fund, the type of disease you have, how long you’ve lived with the disease, and what stage the disease is in.

There are two types of review options for asbestos trust funds: expedited reviews and individual reviews. An expedited review typically has a fixed compensation amount for each claimant, yet it is paid out much quicker than an individual review. To qualify for an expedited review, there must be enough substantial evidence presented for a quick payout.

An individual review takes longer to receive compensation when compared to an expedited, but you’re not limited to a fixed amount. Those who do not qualify for an expedited review (due to additional proof needed) will need to file for an individual review. Compensation for individual reviews may be more or even less that expedited review amount.

Mesothelioma Lawsuit

Another option, especially for companies that don’t have an asbestos trust set up, is to directly sue the party or parties responsible for exposing you to asbestos. In many cases, there were two or more manufacturers that supplies asbestos to job sites, and each of these companies may be responsible for any illnesses the workers develop.

Once you file a mesothelioma lawsuit, your asbestos attorney will help you gather the evidence and proof needed to present your case. In many instances, workers are not aware of which companies supplied asbestos to their workplace, but a knowledgeable attorney has the experience to uncover the details on your behalf.

Mesothelioma lawsuits generally end in settlements before you have to go to trial, with the biggest benefit being a much quicker process, which is especially important if you have mounting medical bills. However, should your mesothelioma lawsuit end up going to trial, you will generally receive more in compensation as opposed to settlement amounts.

What You Can Expect From a Mesothelioma Lawsuit

Although each state’s laws will vary, in general, a successful mesothelioma lawsuit will help you obtain compensation for:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Transportation and lodging expenses (that pertain to medical appointments)
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of consortium (in certain states)
  • Dependent expenses

Statute of Limitations for Mesothelioma Cases

It’s important to remember that each state allows a certain amount of time for you to file a mesothelioma claim. Known as statute of limitations, the time period ranges anywhere from one to six years after your diagnosis or one to six years from the time your loved one passed away from an asbestos-related illness.

How flossing can lower the risk of Pancreatic Cancer by Valerie M. Preston, DDS

 Valerie M. Preston, DDS

Valerie M. Preston, DDS

Pancreatic cancer is a deadly disease that kills at least 96% of the patients who are diagnosed with it. While there are some known ways of preventing it, there is no guarantee that these methods will work 100% of the time. However, studies have shown that your dental health directly affects your vital organs including your pancreas.

In other words, it has been found that you can increase your chances of preventing diseases including cancer of the pancreas by doing something as simple as taking good care of your teeth.

Flossing Lowers Pancreatic Cancer Risks

Flossing offers a lot of benefits for those who do it regularly and correctly. When plaque builds up in between the teeth and gums and no proper cleaning is done, minerals calcify easily, leading to tartar. Tartar increases the level of bacteria inside your mouth because it basically traps them in between your teeth.

If left untreated for a long time, bacteria may spread throughout the tooth root and eventually destroy the external parts of your teeth. This is when more complicated dental conditions occur. Your tooth root houses the pulp chamber, which contains tiny nerves that supply your teeth and gums with blood and nutrients. In short, the bacteria has found a shortcut to your bloodstream.

In the study, which included 405 respondents with pancreatic cancer and 416 healthy individuals, a strong relationship was found between the increased level of antibodies against Porphyromonas gingivalis and pancreatic cancer.

Pancreatic cancer is a deadly disease that kills at least 96% of the patients who are diagnosed with it. While there are some known ways of preventing it, there is no guarantee that these methods will work 100% of the time. However, studies have shown that your dental health directly affects your vital organs including your pancreas.

In other words, it has been found that you can increase your chances of preventing diseases including cancer of the pancreas by doing something as simple as taking good care of your teeth.

Flossing Lowers Pancreatic Cancer Risks

Flossing offers a lot of benefits for those who do it regularly and correctly. When plaque builds up in between the teeth and gums and no proper cleaning is done, minerals calcify easily, leading to tartar. Tartar increases the level of bacteria inside your mouth because it basically traps them in between your teeth.

If left untreated for a long time, bacteria may spread throughout the tooth root and eventually destroy the external parts of your teeth. This is when more complicated dental conditions occur. Your tooth root houses the pulp chamber, which contains tiny nerves that supply your teeth and gums with blood and nutrients. In short, the bacteria has found a shortcut to your bloodstream.

In the study, which included 405 respondents with pancreatic cancer and 416 healthy individuals, a strong relationship was found between the increased level of antibodies against Porphyromonas gingivalis and pancreatic cancer.

The author writes “I am Valerie M. Preston, DDS with more than 20 years of experience in the dental industry. I’m an expert in restorative and cosmetic dentistry and a proud member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, the American Dental Association and the North Carolina Dental Society. I own VPreston Dental in Raleigh, NC, a dental clinic known for its spa-like ambiance. For more details, you can check out my website, Facebook and Twitter pages.”

Keep Calm And Support Breast Cancer Awareness

Keep Calm and Support Breast Cancer Awareness

Keep Calm and Support Breast Cancer Awareness

October Breast Cancer Awareness Month is so Keep Calm and Support Breast Cancer Awareness.

Feel free to use this image to promote breast cancer awareness.

Former Welsh rugby star Jonathan Davies backs new campaign to improve lung cancer survival rates in Wales

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer related death in Wales

Survival from lung cancer in Wales is amongst the lowest in Europe, with Wales

Welsh rugby legend Jonathon Davies is filmed as part of the campaign to raise awareness about lung cancer in Wales.

Welsh rugby legend Jonathon Davies is filmed as part of the campaign to raise awareness about lung cancer in Wales.

ranking 28th out of 29 countries in a recent European survey of cancer survival. Survival from lung cancer improves the earlier it is diagnosed. Indeed the majority of people in Wales are diagnosed when their lung cancer is advanced which is associated with poor survival outcomes Campaign backed by Jonathan Davies who is the president of Cardiff Velindre Cancer Centre.  In this blog we present a new video when Jonathan Davies tells us about a new campaign to raise awareness and to call on the Welsh Government and Public Health Wales to improve current survival rates.