Cystocele – what are the signs and symptoms?



Pelvic organ prolapse is bulging of one or more of the pelvic organs into the vagina.

These organs are the uterus, vagina, bowel and bladder.

Symptoms may include:

a sensation of a bulge or something coming down or out of the vagina, which sometimes needs to be pushed back

discomfort during sex

problems passing urine – such as slow stream, a feeling of not emptying the bladder fully, needing to urinate more often and leaking a small amount of urine when you cough, sneeze or exercise (stress incontinence)

Some women with a pelvic organ prolapse don’t have any symptoms and the condition is only discovered during an internal examination for another reason, such as a cervical screening.

When to see your GP

Pelvic organ prolapse isn’t life-threatening, but it can affect your quality of life.

See your GP if you have any of the symptoms of a prolapse, or if you notice a lump in or around your vagina.

Internal pelvic examination

Your doctor will need to carry out an internal pelvic examination. They’ll ask you to undress from the waist down and lie back on the examination bed, while they feel for any lumps in your pelvic area.

Some women may put off going to their GP if they’re embarrassed or worried about what the doctor may find. However, the examination is important, only takes a few minutes and is similar to having a smear test.

Further tests

If you have bladder symptoms, such as needing to rush to the toilet or leaking when you cough and sneeze, further tests may need to be carried out in hospital.

For example, a small tube (catheter) may be inserted into your bladder to examine your bladder function and identify any leakage problems. This test is known as urodynamics.

Your doctor will decide if further tests are needed before treating the prolapse.

Types of prolapse

If pelvic organ prolapse is confirmed, it will usually be staged to indicate how severe it is. Most often, a number system is used, ranging from one to four, with four indicating a severe prolapse.

Pelvic organ prolapse can affect the front, top or back of the vagina. The main types of prolapse are:

anterior prolapse (cystocele)  where the bladder bulges into the front wall of the vagina

prolapse of the uterus and cervix or top of the vagina  which can be the result of previous treatment to remove the womb (hysterectomy)

posterior wall prolapse (rectocoele or enterocoele)  when the bowel bulges forward into the back wall of the vagina

It’s possible to have more than one of these types of prolapse at the same time.

Why does prolapse happen?

Prolapse is caused by weakening of tissues that support the pelvic organs. Although there’s rarely a single cause, the risk of developing pelvic organ prolapse can be increased by:

your age – prolapse is more common as you get older

childbirth, particularly if you had a long or difficult labour, or gave birth to multiple babies or a large baby – up to half of all women who have had children are affected by some degree of prolapse

changes caused by the menopause – such as weakening of tissue and low levels of the hormone oestrogen

being overweight, obese or having large fibroids (non-cancerous tumours in or around the womb) or pelvic cysts – which creates extra pressure in the pelvic area

previous pelvic surgery – such as a hysterectomy or bladder repair

repeated heavy lifting and manual work

long-term coughing or sneezing – for example, if you smoke, have a lung condition or allergy

excessive straining when going to the toilet because of long-term constipation

Certain conditions can also cause the tissues in your body to become weak, making a prolapse more likely, including:

joint hypermobility syndrome – where your joints are very loose

Marfan syndrome – an inherited condition that affects the blood vessels, eyes and skeleton

Ehlers-Danlos syndrome – a group of inherited conditions that affect collagen proteins in the body

Can a prolapse be prevented?

There are several things you can do to reduce your risk of prolapse, including:

doing regular pelvic floor exercises

maintaining a healthy weight or losing weight if you’re overweight

eating a high-fibre diet with plenty of fresh fruit, vegetables, and wholegrain bread and cereal to avoid constipation and straining when going to the toilet

avoiding heavy lifting

If you smoke, stopping smoking may also help to reduce your risk of a prolapse.

How is prolapse treated?

Many women with prolapse don’t need treatment, as the problem doesn’t seriously interfere with their normal activities.

Lifestyle changes such as weight loss and pelvic floor exercises are usually recommended in mild cases.

If the symptoms require treatment, a prolapse may be treated effectively using a device inserted into the vagina, called a vaginal pessary. This helps to hold the prolapsed organ in place.

Surgery may also be an option for some women. This usually involves giving support to the prolapsed organ. In some cases, complete removal of the womb (hysterectomy) is required, especially if the womb has prolapsed out.

Most women experience a better quality of life after surgery, but there’s a risk of problems remaining or even getting worse.

What are the Symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome


Irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome

The symptoms of IBS are usually worse after eating and tend to come and go in episodes.

Most people have flare-ups of symptoms that last a few days. After this time, the symptoms usually improve, but may not disappear completely.

In some people, the symptoms seem to be triggered by something they have had to eat or drink.

Read more about IBS triggers.

Main symptoms

The most common symptoms of IBS are:

  • abdominal (stomach) pain and cramping, which may be relieved by having a poo
  • a change in your bowel habits – such as diarrhoeaconstipation, or sometimes both
  • bloating and swelling of your stomach
  • excessive wind (flatulence)
  • occasionally experiencing an urgent need to go to the toilet
  • a feeling that you have not fully emptied your bowels after going to the toilet
  • passing mucus from your bottom

Additional problems

In addition to the main symptoms described above, some people with IBS experience a number of other problems. These can include:

  • a lack of energy (lethargy)
  • feeling sick
  • backache
  • bladder problems (such as needing to wake up to urinate at night, experiencing an urgent need to urinate and difficulty fully emptying the bladder)
  • pain during sex (dyspareunia)
  • incontinence

The symptoms of IBS can also have a significant impact on a person’s day-to-day life and can have a deep psychological impact. As a result, many people with the condition have feelings of depression and anxiety.

When to see your GP

You should see your GP if you think you have IBS symptoms, so they can try to identify the cause.

They can often do this by asking about your symptoms, although further tests are occasionally needed to rule out other conditions.

You should also visit your GP if you are feeling anxious or depressed. These problems rarely improve without treatment and could make your IBS symptoms worse.

If you have other symptoms – including unexplained weight loss, a swelling or lump in your stomach or bottom, bleeding from your bottom, or signs of anaemia – you should see your GP right away, as these can sometimes be a sign of a potentially more serious condition.

Read more about diagnosing IBS.

Good Riddance to Bad Breath

Bad breath

Bad breath

Bad breath (or halitosis, to use the medical term) is a health issue that could easily be dismissed as trivial, but it frequently has serious consequences. It creates a terrible social impression, which in turn could cause people with bad breath to suffer from a lack of self-confidence and avoid social situations. It also ruins jobs interviews, with most employers rejecting a candidate out of hand if he/she comes to the interview with malodorous breath.

This infographic from Dervla Leavy Dental Care ( examines the most likely causes of bad breath and the red flags on which you should keep a watchful eye. It also lists several recommended actions for combatting halitosis, most of which center around dietary changes and improved dental habits. It’s common sense that failing to brush your teeth every day will heighten the likelihood of accruing bad breath, as will binging on strongly-flavored beverages like coffee and beer. As for smoking? You don’t need to be a medical practitioner to suspect that cigarettes will stench up your breath horrendously.

It isn’t right that someone should experience huge psychological problems over something as treatable as halitosis, but there are numerous such cases around the world. A few simple actions could see your halitosis become a thing of the past, which in turn will give you renewed self-confidence to turn dates into relationships or put you in the frame for that lucrative job. Read the infographic below to see how halitosis can be conquered.

57% of people with bad breath report feelings of depression

57% of people with bad breath report feelings of depression

What is Aspergillosis?



Aspergillosis is the name of a group of fungal conditions caused by a mould called aspergillus.

It usually affects the respiratory system (windpipe, sinuses and lungs) and causes wheezing and coughing, but it can spread to anywhere in the body.

Aspergillosis can usually be treated with medication, but in a few cases it’s very serious and potentially life-threatening.

How do you get aspergillosis?

You can get aspergillosis if you inhale tiny particles of the aspergillus mould that hang in the air.

The mould is found in many different places, but it’s particularly common in:

rotting leaves and compost

plants, trees and crops

air conditioning and heating systems

insulation material


In most people, inhaling aspergillus particles isn’t a problem, because your immune system quickly destroys them. However, aspergillosis can develop if you have a pre-existing lung condition, such as asthma or cystic fibrosis, or if you have a weakened immune system.

Aspergillosis isn’t contagious, so it can’t be passed from person to person.

Read more about the causes of aspergillosis.

Symptoms of aspergillosis

The symptoms of aspergillosis vary.

General symptoms can include:

shortness of breath

a persistent cough

coughing up mucus or coughing up blood


weight loss

a high temperature

Contact your doctor if you develop severe or persistent symptoms of aspergillosis, particularly if you have a weak immune system. There are several tests that can lead to a diagnosis.

Read more about the symptoms of aspergillosis and diagnosing aspergillosis.

Types of aspergillosis

The main types of aspergillosis that affect the lungs are:

allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis

chronic pulmonary aspergillosis

invasive pulmonary aspergillosis

Aspergillus mould can also sometimes infect other parts of the body, including the skin, eyes, sinuses and other internal organs, mainly in people with a weak immune system.

Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis

Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA) is caused by an allergy to inhaled aspergillus particles and typically causes wheezing, shortness of breath, a cough with mucus and sometimes blood. It’s caused by the immune system reacting to the aspergillus mould.

ABPA usually affects people with asthma or cystic fibrosis. It’s estimated that around 1 in every 40 people with asthma may be affected by ABPA.

There’s also a very similar condition called severe asthma with fungal sensitisation (SAFS).

Chronic pulmonary aspergillosis

Chronic pulmonary aspergillosis (CPA) is a long-term infection that usually only affects people with an underlying lung condition, such as tuberculosis (TB)chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD) or sarcoidosis. Along with a persistent cough, breathlessness, tiredness and weight loss, coughing up blood is a common symptom.

CPA can sometimes cause an aspergilloma (a fungal ball) to grow in the lungs. It can also result in the lungs becoming permanently scarred if it isn’t treated.

It’s estimated that around 400-750 people in England have CPA.

CPA requires specialist follow up treatment with antifungal medications and is usually long-term. The National Aspergillosis Centre offers specialist follow up of patients with CPA.

Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis

Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (IPA) usually only affects people with a weak immune system, such as people who have received a bone marrow transplant or cancer treatment, or those with HIV or AIDS. It’s the most serious type of aspergillosis.

If you have IPA, it’s likely you’ll have a raised temperature as well as lung symptoms, such as a cough, chest pain or breathlessness.

In IPA, the aspergillus mould can spread through the bloodstream from the lungs to the brain, eyes, heart or kidneys. This is very serious and can be life-threatening if it’s not treated quickly.

IPA is estimated to affect up to one in every four people who’ve had a bone marrow transplant, a heart or lung transplant, or high-dose chemotherapy for leukaemia (cancer of the blood cells).

Treatments for aspergillosis

Treatment for aspergillosis depends on the specific type.

ABPA and SAFS are usually treated with steroid medication to dampen the reaction of the immune system to the aspergillus particles, and antifungal medication to help kill the mould.

CPA and aspergilloma can be treated with long-term antifungal medication. In some cases, surgery may be needed to remove an aspergilloma from the lungs, prevent bleeding in the lungs, or remove infected tissue.

IPA is treated in hospital with powerful antifungal medications given by a drip into a vein. The infection can spread very quickly, and people who develop IPA are usually already very ill. This means that, unfortunately, around half of those with the condition die from it.

Read more about how aspergillosis is treated.

Preventing aspergillosis

It’s almost impossible to avoid the aspergillus mould completely, but there are precautions you can take to reduce your exposure if you’re at risk of aspergillosis.

Try to avoid places where the mould is often found, such as:

compost heaps

grain stores

rotting vegetation

piles of dead leaves

marshland and bogs


If you have a weakened immune system, you may also be advised to take extra precautions, such as wearing a face mask and taking a long-term course of antifungal medication.

Read more about preventing aspergillosis.