What are the Benefits of Autism?

:People with autism are not only just as capable of succeeding in life as people without autism, but they also have advantages in gaining success. Often, people take pity on those with autism, thinking that this is a disadvantage or a burden. Zach will explain how people with autism see problems from a unique perspective and how their different perspectives are beneficial. Zach believes it is important to bring this misconception to light because of the growing number of people diagnosed with autism.

Bio: Zach is a 9th-grade student at South Fayette High School. Zach is an active student, passionate about running varsity cross country and track, and participating in student government. He also participates in a program called “Random Acts of Kindness,” which brings joy to others through compassionate acts such as making cards for children in hospitals and cancer ribbons to show support. Zach also has a heart for people with mental health issues, actively showing support and kindness to friends. After high school, Zach is interested in pursuing a career in journalism. Zach would like to thank his family for their support throughout his life.