Lots people think that there is only sensory processing disorder that can cause people on the autism spectrum to have a disadvantage of eating certain foods.
No we all know that the chicken nugget would be the international symbol Autism if we were to go on just food alone (joking) but there are more issues surrounding the process of eating than sensory issues. Situational and environmental surroundings can impact how a person with autism eats and whatever foods they eat and what time they eat.
Here are 3 awesome tips that you can use in every day life to help with these eating issues for people on the autism spectrum.
1 Situational connection Try to understand what situations and scenarios your child or loved one eats the best in ,at home, in school or work? Then cater the meals that are used to those environments. So if they only eat pasta when they’re at work or school only give them pasta when they go to work or school
2 Reduce Sensory Issues Make a note of the times that trigger the person when you’re making certain meals so that you have a ‘go to guide’ to tell yourself don’t serve this meal in this situation.
3 Environmental Calm Try your best to create a calming and non-sensory triggering environment including ornaments, surroundings and table props to make it more inviting and calming for the person on the autism spectrum to sit down and eat.