Millions of people with diabetic foot ulcers could be helped with this discovery

Diabetic foot cream
Diabetic foot cream
  • Researchers from Michigan State University and South Shore Hospital in Massachusetts have discovered a link between two common diabetes medications – insulin and metformin – found in the fluid from diabetic foot ulcers, which could enhance their healing.
  • While analyzing wound exudate (the fluid the body moves and secretes to the site of an injury), researchers discovered the presence of metformin in patients who take the drug orally.
  • The researchers investigated the connection between metformin and insulin. They discovered that in patients who use both insulin injections and oral metformin, the concentration of metformin in wounds significantly rises. Previously, it was thought that there was no interaction between insulin and metformin. 
  • The team’s findings may be immediately relevant to healthcare professionals treating patients with diabetic foot ulcers and biotech developers of wound dressings.