People who care for loved ones with arthritis carry an economic burden.

Informal carers looking after a loved one with arthritis are financially worse off than non-carers to the sum of $388 million, Griffith University research has discovered
Informal carers looking after a loved one with arthritis are financially worse off than non-carers to the sum of $388 million, Griffith University research has discovered.

Informal carers looking after a loved one with arthritis are financially worse off than non-carers to the sum of $388 million, Griffith University research has discovered.

That figure will increase to $576.9 million by 2030, painting a stark future for informal carers who are not in the labour force and do not receive any monetary compensation in exchange for the care provided.

Informal carers are also less likely to participate in the workforce due to the demands of their caregiving duties.

Professor Lennert Veerman from Griffith’s School of Medicine and Dentistry co-authored a paper with researchers from Macquarie University that assessed the economic burdens associated with the increasing number of Australians living with chronic disease—arthritis.

Arthritis, a musculoskeletal disease, can be a costly disease to treat due to its high prevalence and the lifelong nature of the illness.

Professor Veerman said the research aimed to forecast the economic losses related to caring for people with arthritis from 2015-2030.

“People caring for someone with arthritis earn about $1,000 per week less than similar people who do not have caring responsibilities,” he said.

“Unfortunately, that figure is projected to increase by 22 per cent by 2030, impacting informal carers more economically.

“This equates to a total economic loss of around half a billion dollars annually, and reduced tax revenue is about $100 million annually.

“This is further proof that our informal carers are economically worse off than employed non-carers, especially when the future economic impact of informal carers is projected to increase.”

The paper has prompted researchers to encourage decision-makers to increase their efforts to prevent chronic disease, improve quality of life, and increase economic growth.

The paper ‘Economic impact of informal caring for a person with arthritis in Australia from 2015 to 2030: a microsimulation approach using national survey data’ has been published in BMJ Open.

Informal carers looking after a loved one with arthritis are financially worse off than non-carers to the sum of $388 million, Griffith University research has discovered.

That figure will increase to $576.9 million by 2030, painting a stark future for informal carers who are not in the labour force and do not receive any monetary compensation in exchange for the care provided.

Informal carers are also less likely to participate in the workforce due to the demands of their caregiving duties.

Professor Lennert Veerman from Griffith’s School of Medicine and Dentistry co-authored a paper with researchers from Macquarie University that assessed the economic burdens associated with the increasing number of Australians living with chronic disease—arthritis.

Arthritis, a musculoskeletal disease, can be a costly disease to treat due to its high prevalence and the lifelong nature of the illness.

Professor Veerman said the research aimed to forecast the economic losses related to caring for people with arthritis from 2015-2030.

“People caring for someone with arthritis earn about $1,000 per week less than similar people who do not have caring responsibilities,” he said.

“Unfortunately, that figure is projected to increase by 22 per cent by 2030, impacting informal carers more economically.

“This equates to a total economic loss of around half a billion dollars annually, and reduced tax revenue is about $100 million a year.

“This is further proof that our informal carers are economically worse off than employed non-carers, especially when the future economic impact of informal carers is projected to increase.”

The paper has prompted researchers to encourage decision-makers to increase their efforts to prevent chronic disease, improve quality of life, and increase economic growth.