5 Autism Symptoms In TODDLERS (Essential)

5 ASPERGERS Symptoms In TODDLERS (Essential) - YouTube

These are 5 essential aspergers symptoms in toddlers that you defiantly NEED to know! Aspergers Syndrome (now diagnosed as Autism Spectrum Disorder) impacts people in their social, communication and executive function areas of their development.

Aspergers is sometimes referred to as high functioning autism which means it has less several support needs than other people on the spectrum. I have listed out 5 of most in testing and obvious signs of autism in children so you can identify if your child has Asperger’s syndrome.

1.Independent Play: Children on the autism spectrum will have difficultly interacting with other children and find it hard to have group play, and therfor result to independent play.

2.Non Responsive To Name: Children with autism will most of the time have issues responding to their name as toddlers due to the fact they hyper focus on something or ‘zone out’ and are in able to hear you due to this.

3.Hand Flapping: Hand flappy is actually see thing called Stimming and this occurs as a self stimulatory behaviour to help sooth a person on the spectrum when they experience excitement or anxiety.

4.Delayed Speech: Due to the complex nature of autism, we do know it impacts communication and will have an impact of the development of speech in a toddler.

5.Sensory Issues: Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) is usually co occurring with Autism. This can create issues with light sensitivity, smells, textures and sounds.