Tips for Rheumatoid Arthritis Fatigue

Tips for Rheumatoid Arthritis Fatigue - YouTube

Do you struggle with fatigue from your rheumatoid arthritis? ⠀ Fatigue is often described as a profound sense of exhaustion that interferes with daily activities and persists despite adequate sleep. ⠀ It turns out that fatigue is a pretty complicated phenomenon- sometimes pain occurs alongside pain, other times it seems to occur independently, and sometimes the medications that slow down rheumatoid arthritis disease progression help BOTH pain and fatigue,

yet other times they only help pain! ⠀ Additionally, fatigue can be a symptom of depression, and it can be difficult to separate mental fatigue that might be from depression from fatigue from your disease process (which is thought to be more inflammatory in nature). ⠀ With all that in mind, today wanted to share one simple thing that evidence shows can help improve your fatigue AND sleep: light exercise!