It can therefore be difficult for anyone who doesn’t have it to understand its various symptoms. There’s chronic widespread pain in joints, muscles and connective tissue, and fatigue. The latter is not simply a feeling of being tired, but a debilitating lack of energy that impacts every aspect of the person’s life. Other common symptoms include stiffness and headaches but there are a lot of symptoms associated with fibromyalgia. Here are a few that are particularly difficult to talk about.
1. Diarrhoea, constipation, bloating and flatulence Also know as irritable bowel syndrome, our bowel just doesn’t function as it should. This can be due to food intolerances but it can be very difficult to identify the causes. Often, unpredictable and/or uncontrollable stress impacts these difficult and inconvenient bowel symptoms. At times it can be unpredictable bowel habits that mean a sufferer is unable to leave the house or has to plan trips around being able to find a toilet quickly.