7 Things YOU Are Too Afraid To Ask AUTISTIC People

7 Things YOU Are Too Afraid To Ask AUTISTIC People - YouTube

Ever wanted to ask an autistic person a personal question? Here are 7 of the most personal questions you don’t want to ask.

1.Why Don’t You Look People In The Eye? It’s too intimate and personal, like someone is reaching into your soul

2.Why Do You Obsess Over Things? Because things have a deeper level that people often miss.

3.What Does The World Look Like To You? Same as yours but! It’s very bright and chaotic

4.Can You Have Sex? …yeah…

5.Can Autistic People Drive? Of course, depending on variables like, if you have no other conditions that impair your ability to drive. I do however prefer driving automatic

6.Can You Fall In Love? YES And get married!

7.How Come You Don’t Look Autistic? Because there is no physical attributes to being autistic