10 Vital Warning Signs of Lupus

This video will look at the 10 vital warning signs of lupus…

About 5 million people worldwide have some form of lupus… …

And 90% of these people are women.

Lupus is an autoimmune disease in which your body’s immune system attacks tissues and organs.

This impacts you: – skin – kidneys – joints – brain – blood – heart – lungs – and more. While some women might only have mild symptoms of lupus… t

, these symptoms may become more severe. Early on in the disease, symptoms may also be DIFFICULT to detect and EASY to dismiss. —————————————————–

10. A dry mouth and dry eyes

9. Thyroid Issues

8. Digestive Problems

7. Swollen and Painful Joints

6. Nephritis…

5. Lung and breathing issues

4. Skin lesions or a skin rash

3. Thinning hair

2. Fever

1. Fatigue