Early signs of MS ( Multiple Sclerosis) I Common pre-diagnosis symptoms that are easily missed

Early signs of MS ( Multiple Sclerosis) I Common pre-diagnosis symptoms  that are easily missed - YouTube

How would you know if you have MS? In this video I talk about my first symptoms I had before I was diagnosed as well as some of the other common ones I’ve learned about (or experienced!) since my diagnosis and know about from talking with fellow MSers!



This is a video about MY own signs and symptoms that I had Multiple Sclerosis or MS, if you have any or all of these symptoms it absolutely does not mean that you definitely have MS, please consult your doctor if you suspect you have MS.

Multiple Sclerosis. How long did it take your to get diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis after you first symptoms of MS had presented themselves?

Stress Management for Multiple Sclerosis

 Multiple Sclerosis

As regular readers of this blog know we are running a series poll and blogs about our readers

diagnosis of multiple sclerosis.

You can read more here https://patienttalk.org/?p=399.  We have, at time of blogging, 74 responses so please drop over and find out more.

In today’s poll we are interested in finding out how long it took you too get diagnosed with  with multiple sclerosis after your first symptoms of MS had presented themselves.

Please take our poll below.  If you would like to add anything more please feel free to use the comments box.

Thanks very much in advance


My car and a palm tree got into a nasty fight. Guess who won? I had a piece of titanium and 5 pins surgically installed to hold together the hip that my left leg was shoved through. Three years later an ER tech told me privately that the metal may have given me MS. If I could get that officially in writing we’d be having this conversation in my beach house in the virgin islands.

My First Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms – What were yours?

Image result for My First Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms

My First Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms

I started to notice that something was wrong in October, 2012. This is a brief introduction to my experience with MS and the first symptoms that led to my diagnosis.

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