5 supportive ways to boost an autistic child’s social life

Autism Family
Autism Family

Every parent wants their child to have an exciting social life surrounded by friends who care about them. For parents of children with autism, this isn’t easy to achieve as most autistic children aren’t interested in interacting with their peers.

Don’t fret! You’re not alone. It is possible for your child to have a social life—and these simple steps will help.

1.Role-play different scenarios. Create social situations where your child is the one who has to interact. Make the setting fun like a playground, a park, or a beach. Have them be the person who has to initiate the conversation and then reverse the roles. Next time have the child be the one who has to maintain the talk while the parent is the starter. Switching it up will give them multiple perspectives on how to act in different social settings.

2.Add a furry friend to the family. Pets not only provide emotional support, but they promote prosocial behaviors in children with autism. Research shows that autistic children with pets at home are more likely to “introduce themselves, ask questions, or respond to questions,” especially if they get to talk about their furry friend. Adding a puppy or a kitten to the family will help your child create their first bond of friendship, making future encounters seem less scary.

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Autism: 3 Easy Tips YOU NEED To Make Friends (FAST)

Image result for Autism: 3 Easy Tips YOU NEED To Make Friends (FAST) aspie world

Autism and making friends can be easy for you with these 3 tips in this video. Start making friends today.

Autism causes all kinds of difficulties in people living with autism, this can range from anxiety and depression to difficulty making friends. Individuals with an autism spectrum disorder can find it difficult and hard sometimes to make friends. This is no exception for autism in adults or autism in children, it impacts them just the same.

In this video I am talking about 3 main ways that an individual with autism can make friends fast. It is simple and effective. I have used these same strategies to make friends in all my friends circles.

So I would advise anyone who wants to start making friends to follow these 3 tips. Making friends can be difficult but knowing how to make friends is a good way to start overcoming the hard part. So take note, stand up straight and get out there and start making friends. The benefit from having friends is social interaction and the less likely you are to feel lonely. Loneliness is a big issue for people on the spectrum so making friends is a great way to stop feeling lonely.

Some Tips on Making Friends if You Have Autism or Asperger’s Syndrome

How to Make Friends if You Have Autism or Asperger Syndrome

How to Make Friends if You Have Autism or Asperger Syndrome

How to Make Friends if You Have Autism or Asperger’s Syndrome

This are great bits of advice!

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