Diet – what impact has change in diet had on the signs and symptoms of Autism , ADD and ADHD?

Autism, ADHD, ADD and Diet

Autism, ADHD, ADD and Diet

A couple of days ago I was having a chat with an old college buddy.  He mentioned that he had become intolerant to gluten and that his doctor had put him on a gluten free diet.  He then mentioned that he noticed that it had significantly improved his mild symptoms of ADD.  To be fair I didn’t know he had ADD.

Now over the years a lot of research has been done on the relationship between bowel disorders  and autism.  And there certainly seems to be some kind of relationship.  This research was certainly interesting!

So I thought I would open it up to my readers and find out if they felt diet had had any effect on their signs and symptoms of ADHD, autism and ADD.  Firstly it would be great if you could take the poll below.

Second could you use the comments section below to tell us a bit more about your story!  You might want to consider some of the following questions but everything you have to say is of great interest!

a) What was the original diagnosis of you or your loved one?

b) What diet did you try/use and on whose advice?

c) How effective were these diets?

d) Would you recommend this to others?

Thanks very much for your help!

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