Helping people with multiple sclerosis cope with ataxia

Helping people with multiple sclerosis cope with ataxia

Helping people with multiple sclerosis cope with ataxia

Wendy Hendrie, Specialist Physiotherapist in Multiple Sclerosis at Norwich MS Centre, introduces ‘Helping people with multiple sclerosis cope with ataxia’, a seminar delivered at the MS Trust conference, 5 November 2013.

What is ataxia? 0:05
How does ataxia affect people with MS? 01:00
Can ataxia be treated? If so, how? 02:25
A restorative/rehabilitation approach 03:00
Compensatory strategies 04:14
Mobility problems 04:42
(walking sticks/crutches 05:25, trekking poles 05:50, weighting mobility aids 06:13, axial weighting 06:48, core stability aids 07:40, temperature control solutions 08:00)
Upper limb problems 08:54:
(weighting 09:28, lycra 10:16, cooling 11:10, peripheral vision 11:50, overshooting 12:55, sensory attraction 13:38)
Postural problems 14:30

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What do you think? Have your say at our MS page on FaceBook here.

One day I want to say I used to have multiple sclerosis – Please share our MS awareness meme.


One day I want to be able to say I used to have Multiple Sclerosis

One day I want to be able to say I used to have Multiple Sclerosis

One day I want to say I used to have multiple sclerosis – Please share our MS awareness meme.

Fighting Multiple Sclerosis with Exercise

Fighting MS with Exercise

Fighting MS with Exercise

Treva Turner of Atlanta works out to maintain a strong fitness level to help manage her diagnosis of multiple sclerosis.