Can YOU Have Autism Without Sensory Issues?

Autism Sensory | Why YOUR Room Is Making YOU Depressed! (3 TOP Issues) | The  Aspie World

Is it possible to have autism without having sensory issues?

The short answer is yes, of course it is, but there is a longer and mor interesting reason why.

Lots of people on the autism spectrum have variations of support needs and also their traits will vary by some degree as everyone on the spectrum is also individual.

The more common traits associated with autism are things like sensory processing disorder, but is not limited to just SPD. So SPD can only be diagnosed comorbidly with another condition like autism, so one couldn’t get a diagnosis of SPD independent of autism. However autism can be diagnosed without SPD and it some cases I am certain this is the case.

SO if you suspect autism in a person, and most traits point to autism, but they do not display any traits of SPD it isn’t a deal breaker.