What is CRPS and what can we do about it?

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) is a chronic long-term condition that causes sharp, burning pains for those suffering from it. It can affect both men and women of any age, although it is most commonly found in people between 30 and 55. Three out of four people with CRPS are likely to make a full recovery from the condition, but this still leaves 25% with a moderate or severe permanent disability.

CRPS can be caused by soft tissue injuries, fractures, sprains, stroke, heart problems or small nerve fibre injuries, and it is usually identifiable by signs such as prolonged burning pain, changes in skin texture, unusual sweating patterns and abnormal difficulties with muscle movement. It is a horrendously difficult condition to endure, with everyday tasks like getting dressed, taking a shower and cooking dinner all requiring a great deal of effort.

To find out more about CRPS, including ways in which the condition can be treated and advice on how to cope with it from one day to the next, take a look at this infographic from Burning Nights (http://www.burningnightscrps.org/).

What is CRPS and what can we do about it?

What is CRPS and what can we do about it?

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