Gender and multiple sclerosis – please take our poll to help increase our understanding of gender and multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis awareness

Multiple sclerosis awareness

Okay I accept that this is a bit of an odd title for a blog post and poll but please bear with me!

As regular readers of this blog may know my background is in healthcare survey research. One of the areas I was involved in exploring was the lives of people with multiple sclerosis.

When one working with the MS community a good understanding of the landscape is vital. And a lot of this is based on statistical information. Often provided by government sources.

The problem was/is that this information is often at variance with the poll we conducted with people with MS. To gives you one such example is types of multiple sclerosis. It was often suggested that the number of people who had been diagnosed with Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis (RRMS) was in the region of 80% of the MS community. Our results were very different. RRMS never got more that 67% and in some cases lower that 60%. If you have any ideas as to why this should be please share in the comments box below.

A similar figure is given when we look at gender and multiple sclerosis. 80% is often given as the percentage of women who have multiple sclerosis. But I’m wondering if this is really true. The best way I have always found is to as PwMS themselves.

So we would like to invite you to take part in a short poll below which asks the question. “To help us with our understanding of multiple sclerosis could you please share your gender with us?”

Thanks very much in advance.

Multiple Sclerosis News Flash – Why women are more likely to be diagnosed with multiple sclerosis according to new research from the Washington University School of Medicine

Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis

Welcome to the first in our series of multiple sclerosis news flashes.

If you have any suggestions for MS stories we might cover please feel free to use the comments box to share your ideas.

This story looks at some recent research from the Washington University School of Medicine as to why around 80% of people diagnosed with multiple sclerosis are women.

The BBC share “Scientists at Washington University School of Medicine in the US found higher levels of protein S1PR2 in tests on the brains of female mice and dead women with MS than in male equivalents. Four times more women than men are currently diagnosed with MS.”

You can read the whole article here.