Pain and the Seasons – Which time of year is the worst for pain?

A tip for cooling down in the heat

A tip for cooling down in the heat

APRIL is the cruellest month, breeding
Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing
Memory and desire, stirring
Dull roots with spring rain.

Said TS Eliot at the opening of the Waste Land.

But is that true?

For many people with painful conditions the height of summer or the depths of winter are the worst times of the year for pain.

In fact there does seen to be a correlation between climate, temperature and pain levels. In fact one of the most popular post on the blog has been how to cool down in the summer.

But temperature change is not the only part of the equation.

One of the first things I was told, as a child , by my grandmother was that her rheumatoid arthritis enabled her to know when it was going to rain. Which would suggest humidity can also play a part.

The aim of this blog is to explore the whole area in a bit more detail.

Firstly it would be great if you could take the poll below. The question is “Looking back at the last year which season has been the most painful?” Secondly it would be fantastic if you could answer a few questions about pain and climate. These question are only a guide and we would love to hear from you about any part of your story you may think is of interest.

a) What is your main medical condition which causes pain?
b) What is the main change in weather which affects your pain levels?
c) How do you treat seasonally related pain?
d) Have you moved because of your pain levels? If not would you consider it?
e) Do you have any advice for somebody who has just been diagnosed with a painful medical condition such as multiple sclerosis, arthritis or fibromyalgia?

Thanks very much in advance.