Donating an organ! Would you consider becoming an organ donor? Tell us your opinion?

Would you consider donating an organ?

Would you consider donating an organ?

It is a pretty regular thing in the UK , at least, for a news item on the need for more people to donate their organs after their death.  Currently organs that can be donated include :-

  • kidneys
  • liver
  • heart
  • lungs
  • small bowel
  • pancreas

Tissues that can be donated include:

  • the cornea (the transparent layer at the front of the eye)
  • bone
  • skin
  • heart valves
  • tendons
  • cartilage

In the UK and other countries there are plan afoot to make to a presumed consent or opt out system of organ donation.  This means that we will have to state that we do not want our organs to be used for transplantation surgery in the event of our passing as opposed to making a positive choice to donate.

We are really interested in what our readers think.  It would be great if you could take our poll below.

If you have received an organ from a donor it would be great if you could share your story in the comments box below.  Feel free to share any links that you think will be of interest to our readers.

Many thanks in advance.