Rosanna Pink Onions – are they the onion worlds answer to a superfood? How can they help raise money for cancer research?

Okay the title of the blog is a bit odd but I don’t really know how else to start.

Rosanna Pink Onion

Rosanna Pink Onion

Actually I think I do.

Yesterday I sent an email to my wife to discuss the upcoming online supermarket shop.  One of the things on my list was “onions – lots”.  A couple of hours later she returned my email saying that she has just bought some Rosanna Pink Onions.

Not just that she thought I should write a blog on the subject knowing my readers in food, diet and health.

So when the truck with the Rosanna Pink Onions arrived I decided to start my research after putting them in the vegetable rack.  One thing which hit me is that they are not that pink.  To be honest they look pretty much like normal onions but I’ve not had the opportunity to chop them so inside might be a different story. I have to say the blurb my wife sent me yesterday was pretty compelling.

On their web site (yes they have their own web site they feel the onions have the following properties:-

a)      They may help fight cholesterol

b)      They have anti-oxidant properties c)

And they have anti-inflammatory properties. However it is a bit difficult to find any data which supports this.  If the growers or distributors read this blog and have any other information we would love to publish a guest blog from you.  Please write to us at if you are interested.

That being said according to the web site they donate 2p to Race for Life a UK based cancer research charity for each pack sold.  So that alone, I think, makes them a worthwhile purchase.

So over to you.  Are there any products which you think are great for health?  Use the comments section of our blog to let us know. Thanks in advance.