Dustin’s Words – find out about this genius new tool that can help non-verbal people with autism. (Among others). A guest post from Mary Toves

Dustin's Words

Dustin’s Words

Dustin’s Words is the product of our founder Matt Reamer’s love for his autistic brother, Dustin. Dustin can’t speak, and he has a hard time getting around due to a physical disability. So Matt built a device that allows him to push a button to send a text message to his mom when they are apart. Thanks to the device Matt built for his brother, Dustin can now tell his mother when he has a headache, when he’s hungry, or when he simply wants to say, “I love you.”

For the past few months, we’ve been refining the prototype Matt built for his brother using more advanced parts and technologies. We have tested several variations of the device with a range of people who have trouble communicating. Our goal is to create an affordable, customizable, open source device and platform that families can use to meet their unique communication needs.

We are launching Dustin’s Words on Indiegogo so that we can fund the

Dustin's Words

Dustin’s Words

development, iteration, and build of Dustin’s Words. Our goal is to put 100 devices in the hands of 100 families in need at absolutely no cost to them. These first 100 devices will serve as inspiration as we further iterate Dustin’s Words to make an affordable, open source, 3D printable tool that can not only help hundreds, but thousands.

Thanks for your consideration! You can check out our campaign video:
