Legoland builds an autism-friendly experience

Legoland builds an autism-friendly experience

Legoland builds an autism-friendly experience

Legoland builds an autism-friendly experience.

Like a lot of kids on the autism spectrum my son is a massive fan of the little bits of plastic. Indeed in some circles LEGO is used as a therapy for autism!

So I was very interested in this story that Legoland had built an autism-friendly experience as part of their offering.

For advice for about taking children on the autism spectrum to theme’s park check out this video by That Autism Mom.

Autism and LEGO – share your favorite pictures.

LEGO and autism therapy

LEGO and autism therapy

A few months ago I shared on Twitter the following tweet. The tweet contains a link to an article on autism and special interests. You can read it here.

Does Lego count as a special interest?

Well I think so yes. Our son who is on the autism spectrum has been a massive fan since he was a toddler and so are many of his friends in his unit. I suspect that as well as improving motor skill it also is part of his sensory diet.

So how about you guys? Do you or a loved one find that LEGO helps or is just fun to play with?

If so please use the comments section below to add a few of your favorite LEGO creations.

Many thanks in advance!


You might be interested to know that LEGO is being used as an autism therapy.  You can find out more here.