What are HNPP and MCTD? // My Disabilities

What are HNPP and MCTD? // My Disabilities

What are HNPP and MCTD? // My Disabilities

Another fascinating video from Jessica Kellgren-Hayes. Do check out her introduction to brain fog here.

In this video she tells us about her disabilities Hereditary Neuropathy with Pressure Palsies (HNPP) and Mixed Connective Tissue Disease (MCTD), and what it’s like living with them.

What is the spoon theory? – a brilliant introduction from Jessica Kellgren-Hayes

The Spoon Theory from Jessica Kellgren-Hayes

The Spoon Theory from Jessica Kellgren-Hayes

A couple of days ago while walking the dog I bumped into an old friend coming out of the Doctor’s surgery.

She has spent the last couple of years trying to get a medical condition diagnosed. Sounds familiar?

Her major symptoms are burning pain , brain fog and fatigue.

So my good deed for the day was to tell her about the spoon theory. When I saw this video from Jessica Kellgren-Hayes I just knew I had to share. Please do pass it one to anyone you know who many suffer from a chronic medical condition.

What is brain fog? A great video from Jessica Kellgren-Hayes

Jessica Kellgren-Hayes

Jessica Kellgren-Hayes

There are a wide variety of medical conditions where brain fog (or cognitive dysfunction) (or fibro fog) is a major symptom. These include among others fibromyalgia and multiple sclerosis.

We have looked in detail and brain fog before. You can check out our readers stories here.

You might also be interested in this blog post looking at how people with multiple sclerosis can cope with brain fog.

So when I came across this brilliant video on brain fog by Jessica Kellgren-Hayes I just knew I had to share it with my readers.