Multiple Sclerosis Exercise Video 1: Legs & Back

Image result for Multiple Sclerosis Exercise Video 1: Legs dulci hill

It is critical to incorporate an exercise program into your life to stay as strong and healthy as possible This first video will help re3habilitate and maintain muscle strength no matter the condition you’re in. Everyone has to start somewhere to build a little more strength and stamina at a time. Raindrops make oceans.

Learning to use your legs when Multiple Sclerosis makes them useless

Image result for Learning to use your legs when Multiple Sclerosis makes them useless

Learning to use your legs when Multiple Sclerosis makes them useless.

Multiple Sclerosis is a hideous disease that often robs us of the use of our legs. Here is where you start.  From Dulci Hill

Easy Floors Cleaning with Multiple Sclerosis

Image result for Easy Floors Cleaning with Multiple Sclerosis

I have been struggling with the fastest and easiest way to keep my home clean with the difficulties MS brings. First get yourself a basic light weight Swiffer dusting mop, a pack of walmart economy wash clothes, and a spray bottle of your favorite floor detergent mixed with 80& water (I love Mr. Clean). First dust the floors with the Swiffer to get all loose debris in a pile to throw away. Next, get a small pail of clean water and put two wash clothes in it. Wring out a wash clothes and attach to the bottom of the Swiffer. Lightly spray floors with cleaner and run light mop over the floor. When first cloth gets dirty, switch clothes and continue. Use the water to rinse out wash cloths as they get dirty. I get my 1100 square foot mopped in 15 minutes.

From Dulci Hill


Bowel Incontinence in Multiple Sclerosis

Bowel Incontinence in Multiple Sclerosis

Bowel Incontinence in Multiple Sclerosis

Bowel Incontinence is the most embarrassing symptom to deal with. It can be managed with patience, planning, and self forgiveness. Here are some suggestions to make life easier when you have this problem.

Another great video from Dulci Hill. Check her out here.