Autism – What the updated subgroups of autism?

A few months back we published an infographic looking at the traditional sub-groups of the autism spectrum!

A number of our readers commented that it had been supersede by DSM-5 autism subgroups. So we are delighted to share this excellent infographic from GMEDED which not just outlines the new subgroups but tells us more about the signs and symptoms of the ASC. Not just that it reveals some of the famous people through history who may have had autism.

Autism and DSM-5

Autism and DSM-5

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

Autism – Do you want a cure for autism?

Autism Spectrum Condition

Autism Spectrum Condition

Now you may consider this a rather odd question but let me explain a bit about the context.

As some of you may know we run a Facebook page called AutismTalk which features discussion and information about ASD (or ASC).

In the last few months there has been a fairly wide-ranging conversation about autism and cures for autism.  Indeed it is, as far as I can see, the most controversial question within the autism community.

While I know opinions are strong I’m also interested to get some level of quantification.  So I have set up the poll below.  It would be great if you could take a few second to take part.

If you want to share your views in more detail please use the comments box below to add your thoughts and opinions.

We are hoping to use them as the basis for a more detailed blog post in the next few weeks.


NEAT Kids – Nutrition Exercise and Therapy for children with developmental and behavioral challenges – a guest post from Jessica Tomkins



Welcome to our latest guest post in our series of autism and ASD/ASC related blog posts.  Today Jessica Tomkins introduces us to a very interesting work in progress which we think many of of interested to a lot of parents with children who have been diagnosed on the autistic spectrum.  Tomkins writes:

“NEAT stands for Nutrition Exercise and Therapy for children with developmental and behavioral challenges, and the mission behind NEAT Kids is to target every aspect of a child to help them reach their optimal wellness.

Everyone who is a part of NEAT Kids are big believers that it starts with proper nutrition and exercise and as a result different therapies will fall into place!

We also use the latest scientific research to help support our cause. We have an accredited Occupational Therapist, Exercise Specialist, and Human Nutritionist on board, all to make sure we are providing the finest information to our followers!

Our Facebook URL is:, and the website and logo are currently in the making 🙂 ”

So watch this space for more information


Autism – Renaming Autism. Autism Spectrum Disorder or Autism Spectrum Condition? A What is your opinion?

Autism Spectrum Condition

Autism Spectrum Condition

A couple of days ago I received a very pleasant email on our FaceBook autism discussion page called AutismTalk.

The lady writing explain that she had been told that Autism Spectrum Disorder or ASD had been renamed Autism Spectrum Condition or ASC.  And that (Autism Spectrum Condition ) is how we should refer to it in the future.

I quick stomp around Google showed me that yes a few organisations prefered using Autism Spectrum Condition to Autism Spectrum Disorder.  For example Simon Baron- Cohen and Autism Initiatives prefer Autism Spectrum Condition  as they feel is it less stigmatising.

So what do you think.  It does strike me that name changing isn’t really game changing but that is a personal view.   I thought that it would be interesting to run a  poll and the subject.  The poll us below and it would be great if you could take part.

Feel free to use the comments section below to share what you think the condition should be renamed.

Many thanks in advance