Tongue Tie – can you help my daughter with some advice please?

My tongue tied daughter

My tongue tied daughter

This was not the blog I was expecting to write this morning.

Last week I planned to write a quick blog asking your advice on how to help my daughter swallowing some pill prescribed by the Doctor. Difficulty swallowing is also called Oropharyngeal dysphagia! And we have covered it in a previous blog post.

But it was Saturday afternoon that we found out the reason.

We were travelling by train to my cousin’s husband’s 40th birthday party since you ask. Now all children of any age find a 90 minute rail journey somewhat on the boring side. So my son and my daughter and another of my cousins decided to have a tongue sticking out competition.

And that is when we discovered that our daughter was tongue tied. You can see from the photo above the extent to which she can stick out her tongue.

So what next?

That is the purpose of this post. Do you have any experience of know about tongue tie? My daughter is 13 so is interested in finding out what to do now (and so are my wife and I).

We see the Doctor in 10 days but any hints on what to expect would be gratefully received. It would be great if you could share in the comments section below.

Just as a point of information the UK’s NHS define “Tonguetie (ankyloglossia) “… “a problem affecting some babies with a tight piece of skin between the underside of their tongue and the floor of their mouth (lingual frenulum). It can sometimes affect the baby’s feeding, making it hard for them to attach properly to their mother’s breast.”